Hello Kerri from California, welcome to Sjogren’s Syndrome Support!


Hi there, Kerri

My name is Danielle and I am a Ben’s Friends intern. I wanted to take a moment to welcome you to Sjogren’s Syndrome Support.

I am sorry to hear that you have dealt with arthritis and chronic candida in addition to extreme fatigue. Have you touched base with your doctor to pursue a diagnosis, or are you currently focused on managing your symptoms through diet and exercise? We are happy you found us, and I do hope you discover new and helpful methods of managing symptoms in this community.

In terms of where to start on the site:

(1) Try clicking the search icon (magnifying glass, top right) to browse through existing topics.

(2) Please do not hesitate to create your own discussions by clicking the + New Topic tab.

We are here if you have any questions or concerns.
