im from New Zealand i have had diabetes for 15 years now went to the doctors 2 months ago because i woke up one morning with swelling by my ears and was painful and an swollen ankle thought they were related but aren't the ankle was part of my sprain ankle i did 5 months ago today still healing from it
went to the doctors 6 times in two weeks for the bumps they were changing all the time my mouth was dry (thought it was Diabetic Symptom) but it turned out it wasn't it was part of SS my eyes were dry and itchie and i was in pain doc didn't know what to do but gave me antibiotics to see if it helped it didn't do anything but made them hard and really sore Went to the doc on a friday afternoon another lump came up and could feel more in my cheeks she rang the ent ( Ears nose and Throat guys) in wellington( an hour away from me and they said 9 am on Monday so went there last monday and he said i have sjogrens syndrome but a blood test will com firm it it will take 10 days come back on thursday week and we will have a result for u so i did the Thursday just been and was told that the blood work was a negative but i was a text book case only a few people who have SS doesn't show up with blood work but now i am having to be tested for h i v hep a b c and having a ultrasound and a needle biopsy lets hope its all negative for that i have 3 children 13 9 6 all boys and are a handful feel free to ask me questions if i can i will answer them
miss kiwi