I saw the rhematologist today

I saw the rheumatologist today. The results of the tear production tests show that I have decreased production in one eye and the other eye is normal. I have mild dryness on the corneas. The salivary gland biopsy is normal; however so many of my symptoms are consistent with sjogrens. The rheumatologist said that plaquenil is the first drug she would try for either UCTD or sjogrens so I am going ahead and trying the desensitization protocol.

What is the desensitization protocol? For what?

I had been on plaquenil three months ago. I was taking 250 mg twice a day. All was fine for a month until I suddenly got a rash. I stopped plaquenil and was put on prednisone. Things have calmed down now and the immunologist feels that plaquenil is the correct drug for me. She ordered the medicine through a compounding pharmacy without the fillers. I am taking 25 mg for a week, then 50 for a week etc. When I get to 100 mg, I will see the doctor again

Hi Roxy,

Let us know how this goes, please!

Wishing you well,