Peripheral Neuropathy

I have been having problems. I have lost almost all sensation in my legs and having terrible neuro pain in my legs as well. Also my hands and arms are quite numb. I went to a neurologist who did an EMG (when they stick needles into you and cause an electrical current and measure your response in your nerves.

She told me I have peripheral neuropathy caused by the Sjogrens or possibly by MTX but since I have not taken MTX for quite a long time, it is more likely the SJ. She told me also that my arthritic spine has pinched off two major nerves (one for each leg) , thus my numbness and pain.

I go back to see her on Monday to hear what she has to say in conclusion. She is going to examine my last MRI which is at least 2 years old. She may request new ones.

I asked her if I would need surgery and she didn't think it was going to be helpful. I cannot stand for longer than 5 minutes without severe pain and complete numbness in my legs.

Just one more gift from the disease that keeps on giving!!

I'm sorry to hear this. There are some medications that can help with nerve pain, but this still stinks.

I hope this is not a new normal for you, qadosh, as it doesn't sound fun at all. Wishing you some relief soon.

Thank you, It does seem that there is nothing they can do for it.

dancermom said:

I hope this is not a new normal for you, qadosh, as it doesn't sound fun at all. Wishing you some relief soon.

yes meds like Lyrica and Neurontin....both of which make me psychotic. I think I'm stuck.
Stoney said:

I'm sorry to hear this. There are some medications that can help with nerve pain, but this still stinks.

I’m so sorry to hear this. I’ve been tolerating neurotin at low levels pretty well. I’m sorry it doesn’t work for you. I have two brothers with autoimmune neuropathy so I know how debilitating it can be.

Alternating ice and heat can help somewhat.


Hi Cynthia,

Check out some of the postings by first Muv, she uses many natural things wisely, carefully and successfully. I'll get you a link to her profile and postings

Sorry about the nerve involvement, that is not what you want to hear, I know. I also know that the MRI takes everything down to the bottom line, but please make sure that you seek other neuro's opinion, and several surgeons' opinion as quickly as you can!

Sending my best wishes for solutions and relief,


thank you Sk for the link ...I have requested her friendship as her page is private.