Sjogrens and teeth

Sjogrens has made a mess of my teeth. All of my back teeth have crowns and most of my front have fillings. I have had one abcess under a crown and today had to have three fillings placed along the bottom of my crowns. All from dry mouth from Sjogrens. I use Enamelon toothpaste and a mouthwash with floride to soak my teeth in at bedtime to protect them. Im only in my late 40's and fear they will probably not last another 10 years.

I can so relate to all your issues. bless your heart...Thousands of dollars later, I ended up having mine removed. First the bottoms, along with a three cadavre bone graft to the jawbone area, then five implant posts. About one year later then all the top teeth had to go. Oh to have the money back..As I sit today, I continue towear my temporary dentures and have not finished the bottom implant prcedures as the money is not available. And during all the dental issues they informed me I have Non Hodgkins lymphnoma which four out of ten diagnosed Sjogrens patients can have...I beg you do not treat any of your dental issues lightly..It is serious business, and expensive...

I just found this site and plan to check in daily as my life and day has changed. I am here with only experiences to share but definately a resource person.

Tez_20 said:

Hello Linda,

This is an issues with sjogren's sorry...i'm 44 and i've been going to the dentist since i was 5yrs old...there's no salivia to my mouth and sometimes i get my gums ache and the dentist said it's because gums need the flow of salivia to also keep them healthy if not they ache but otherwise i'm lucky so fillings, several teeth have veneers fitted on to stop gaps showing and all my teeth have been buckle's a plastic film which is burnt onto your tooth and gum then smoothed over...these stop bacteria been able to form more.

I use colgate total toothpaste and listering mouthwash and in between using biotene which felt great with a nice film it put over you teeth and mouth but that's stopped working now so it's oral-b next.

You'll find this link interesting about Xerostomia which sjogren's causes to the mouth regarding teeth and dry mouth.

((Hugs Terri)) xxx

Greetings Linda

I us a prescription called Pilocarpine (salogen--generic name). It has helped my salivary glands work if I eat or chew gum or candy. It keeps my mouth comfortable. I've read that even with this stimulated saliva, there are still missing enzymes and protiens that help control bacteria and tooth decay.

My teeth have cost thousnds. The dental work doesn't last very long either.

Bless you

I also have been on Salagen for several years now...and on maximum dosage of five tablets a day...the amount they prescribe for patients who have had radiation..which due to the severity of my Sjogrens they could not do. We removed both perotid glands at two different surgeries.

So, how are you doing? And what is the latest?

Laura said:

I can so relate to all your issues. bless your heart...Thousands of dollars later, I ended up having mine removed. First the bottoms, along with a three cadavre bone graft to the jawbone area, then five implant posts. About one year later then all the top teeth had to go. Oh to have the money back..As I sit today, I continue towear my temporary dentures and have not finished the bottom implant prcedures as the money is not available. And during all the dental issues they informed me I have Non Hodgkins lymphnoma which four out of ten diagnosed Sjogrens patients can have...I beg you do not treat any of your dental issues lightly..It is serious business, and expensive...

I just found this site and plan to check in daily as my life and day has changed. I am here with only experiences to share but definately a resource person.

Tez_20 said:

Hello Linda,

This is an issues with sjogren's sorry...i'm 44 and i've been going to the dentist since i was 5yrs old...there's no salivia to my mouth and sometimes i get my gums ache and the dentist said it's because gums need the flow of salivia to also keep them healthy if not they ache but otherwise i'm lucky so fillings, several teeth have veneers fitted on to stop gaps showing and all my teeth have been buckle's a plastic film which is burnt onto your tooth and gum then smoothed over...these stop bacteria been able to form more.

I use colgate total toothpaste and listering mouthwash and in between using biotene which felt great with a nice film it put over you teeth and mouth but that's stopped working now so it's oral-b next.

You'll find this link interesting about Xerostomia which sjogren's causes to the mouth regarding teeth and dry mouth.

((Hugs Terri)) xxx

Hello Linda. I am so sorry you are having these problems. I can so relate to them. I think I have 3 teeth that have not been filled, crowned or root canaled. :( It's no wonder I hated going to the dentist as a kid, it was never an issue of cavities or no cavities. It was always how many cavities. Lol When they took the bands from my braces off they left holes in most of my teeth. That was a long time ago, long before the Sjogren's diagnosis.

My dentist told me to use a flouride rinse at least once a day. I hope it will help. Again, I'm sorry you are having a rough time.

If you don't mind me asking the others how the pilocarpine works. Does it give you some relief? Also does it cause you to sweat?

take care Linda,

wendy xx

Sjogrens can rob you of your teeth, infortunately I have no answers and not teeth either (lol) Sjogrens robbed me of my teeth about two years ago. It was definitely a change you cant get used to I was only 50 which is still relatively young to be without teeth. I hope that you can avoid losing your teeth, get help as soon as possible, like I should have done. Many blessings and hugs.

Glad I am not the only one having the teeth issues with Sjogrens. Hate that we all have to deal with it. I sure wish I would of known what Sjogrens was and how to help it as I was growing up, have only been dx with it for about 5 years but based on my mouth and teeth issues growing up I have had it pretty much all along. Thanks for everyones input. I really need to work on the low sugar issue. I dont drink soft drinks but love regular and green tea but have to have sugar and because of my whacky autoimmune system I am unable to tolerate any fake sugar subs.

Hi Linda,

Sjogren's has taken most of my teeth. I now have 7 left that are mine, but the nerves are exposed on them, the rest are plastic!

Using Biotene products is the very best advice I can give you for dry mouth, all of their products are just the best and really do help!

Wishing you well,