Sorry if I’m beating a dead horse. I’ve been trying to get help from my doctors, but it would take too much space to write about the complications and lack of support I have received on this. This problem is what primarily brought me here in the first place. Tomorrow we drive four hours north to see our son and his family. From point A (where we live) to be point B (where adult son lives). Our grandson is 19 months old. For the past two years, I get a sinus infection whenever we go. It started off occasionally, but I’ve gotten one consistently the last three or four times. I see a different doc every time. Sometimes in City A and sometimes in city B, depending on how fast they come.
We always stay at the same place, so this time we are staying some place different. It either worsened or started after a new wall to wall carpeting was installed.
I bought a thing called Wellness Formula (tabs) from Health Food Store, said to boost immune system and prevent upper respiratory problems. I bought chewable vitamin C. I bought the Rain mouth spray. I bought Xilitol gum. I have Flonase nasal spray. I have xylitol nasal spray. I have QBC tabs … Quercitin, Bromelain and Vit. c. I have saline nasal spray. I have eye drops.
Instead of making one stop on the trip, we will make two to stretch our legs and get out of the dry car. I have high ph water to drink on the trip.
Please note I do NOT ever get sinus infections in my own home city (City A).
I am experiencing some panic right now. A trip I normally look forward to…has turned into hell. I’m pushing myself hard to think positively. I’m pushing myself hard to think creatively in terms of prevention.
Might attempting to boost my immune system with natural products produce a flare?
Has anyone had any luck at all preventing a sinus infection?
I am so happy you are going to see your grand baby, with all of your hesitations, I'm sure you are excited about this!
I'm also glad that you seem to have been able to figure out the source of the sinus infections. There are so many things the new carpet problem could be. My first thoughts on that would be 'off gassing' and/or the glue!
Sounds like you are armed to the teeth, girlfriend! My only concern is the stuff that boosts your immune system, and how much does it boost it?
The only other thing I can think of is to use your post powerful vacuum and hit the air vents on the car, gather up as much pollen and dust that you can from those. An air compressor may also work if your husband has one, just be careful if you choose this option, not to blow out the entire dash! These things can have a lot more power than you anticipate! TRUST ME, my husband blew out the garage doors!
I know these are kinda creepy, but what about the dust masks. Not to necessarily wear around your children and grandchildren, but for the trip, and for the stay?
I hope that you are able to relax, have a nice time, spoil that beautiful grand baby, and return home feeling better than when you left!
I'm no expert at this but I have read up a great deal and one of the things I've run across often is to avoid any supplements that boost the immune system. We already have one that has run amok. By kicking it into overdrive when you have a disorder that is known to be drying, you can dry out the nasal passages more than usual, making you more susceptible to infection.
It can be so hard to tell what is setting the infections off, but I would imagine that you would want to avoid anything that can make it worse. My allergy doc had said sometimes common allergies cause such a fluid build-up that it gets "trapped" in places it shouldn't allowing for bacteria to grow.
Good luck and please keep us posted on how things go.
I guess what stands out in my mind is 100% of the sinus infections have been while in City B or immediately after returning from City B. I don’t get them where I live (City A). The two cities are in the same state four hours apart. There also seems to be a connection to the rug. So, this trip will be a bit of a test. I just got over the last infection and also seem to have a flare. Was really sick for long time after that trip. But again, I never get sinus infections at home!
My eye doctor told me to direct the air in the car to the floor setting no matter whether it is heat or air conditioning. Bring a small hot water room vaporizer with you and place it next to you most of the time and especially at night. Both help.
I agree with anything that is meant to "boost the immune system", within the general public that would be a good thing, but with us, not so much. With Sjogren's or other immune disease I would lead with "less is more"; using a saline spray or a neti pot first thing in the morning, then as needed, keep some moister in the room where you sleep, either with a hot or cool water humidifier (I have a travel size one that uses any 16oz sized bottled water, very handy), no rug or carpeting if possible and if it cant be avoided, vacuum and an air purifier where you are staying is a must. If you can ask your son to buy the purifier and keep it for you, then when you arrive you can take it with you to the place where you are staying. Remember too much heat or air conditioning can wreak havoc on the sinuses, too. Happy trails!
P.S. I traveled a lot (by plane, sooooo drying) up until last year for my business so I have used all the tricks in the book!!
1. Yes. Our treatments are to reduce the activity of our immune systems and no vitamin C or echnacea
2. NeilMed Nose/Sinus irrigation.< available every where in pharmacies, Target, Costco> Follow instructions on the insert and on the box. Works like eye irrigation.
This is all according to my rheumy and liver specialist.
I found it at my local Walgreen's (I don't know where you are located, but it's a pharmacy chain here in California), it's their own brand. But I would imagine that any good pharmacy must carry a similar item and it is really great!
The exhaustion became a huge problem for me too, because it would take longer and longer to recover; I would get hyped for the trip then work hard for a week, then return home, it taxed my dwindling energy and the flare-ups were non-stop, so I stopped!
I work from home, via Skype and my partner does all the traveling (he does Sales, so traveling is his thing anyway!) That's life with Sjogren's!! At least, now, I am able to say out loud when I can't do something; it's very freeing!
Stay in the moment and enjoy your grand-baby!!
EnjoyLife said:
Wow…Can I ask where you got the travel sized humidifier? It sounds very handy and running off a regular water bottle sounds great.
My big problem with traveling is the exhaustion that comes with it now-a-days. Guess that comes with the territory. LOL
I'm on Long Island in NY and we do have Walgreen's. Yay! Thank you. Will def go look for it.
For the exhaustion, the majority of my traveling is down south to see family. Being rural, that means 2 flights and a 3 hour drive. I fall asleep every time I sit down the first 2 days I'm there, but I don't fight it either.
Off topic from the original discussion but, I have to say you are right about the diagnosis being freeing. I too, feel like I can (and should) say I'm wiped or hurting and bow out of things when I need to. For a long time I felt that whatever was happening was just something going on with me at the moment and I had to suck it up and push through. Very validating that its something real and I do feel better when I self-care.
Thank you for all these ideas. I have insomnia from the anxiety of it all. So weird, as I’m fine in my hometown, am reviewing all these posts.
Re: exhaustion…since I’ve had a long history of so many ills …I often forget them all…I have learned to factor health issues into my life, so, for example, when we go on these trips, I often plan little to no activity the day after our arrival both getting there and when we return. And if I’ve been very active while away, I know to plan for two days rest. Just estimates and it stinks, but I’m trying my best. I rarely hide it anymore.
I have always been a major sufferer of sinus infections. Often a sinus infection travels down and I spend weeks (sometimes months) with an entire upper respiratory infection. I have found that I can get a good handle on sinus issues by using the NeilMed sinus rinse every day in my peak problem times (Spring & Fall). Once you get use to doing a sinus rinse, it's just a part of your daily routine. I highly recommend giving it a try. You can pick up the NeilMed products at most drugstores...CVS, Walgreens, CostCo, etc.
Yea, you go girlfriend!! It's a tough rode and it's good to know that we are here to support and help one another!
Do you unknowingly get anxious before you travel? I found that added to my stress level and the result was severe flare-ups; the planning, leaving my college age daughter alone and in charge of pets/household, and traveling to other countries for work always required that I "psych myself" up for the work ahead and the challenge of quickly assimilating to new surroundings.
I'm so happy I spoke up, finally and said "I can't do that anymore"! And who knew that those around me would understand! Even though I still need to remind them that when I am having a good day it doesn't mean I'm "all better"!!
EnjoyLife said:
I'm on Long Island in NY and we do have Walgreen's. Yay! Thank you. Will def go look for it.
For the exhaustion, the majority of my traveling is down south to see family. Being rural, that means 2 flights and a 3 hour drive. I fall asleep every time I sit down the first 2 days I'm there, but I don't fight it either.
Off topic from the original discussion but, I have to say you are right about the diagnosis being freeing. I too, feel like I can (and should) say I'm wiped or hurting and bow out of things when I need to. For a long time I felt that whatever was happening was just something going on with me at the moment and I had to suck it up and push through. Very validating that its something real and I do feel better when I self-care.
Hi Nomadlook for Lynn sjogrens humidifier on the net she will give you a page of ideas and places to buy car Humidifier I bought one and it is a blessing I don’t travel without my large room humidifier and mini for the car put olive oil in your nose before the trip starts it helps prevent the dryness good luck we will have a support group meeting in May i hope you can go.
Thanks Maggy! Had no idea there was a support group in our city now??? Or is it in the one about 45 minutes North of us? Check your private messages and please contact me with any information. Thank you. Not sure who Lynn is???
SK:many thanks for the b day wishes. It’s Thursday and I’m happy to see my grandson on this day!!!
S Goddess: I do get a little nervous packing and such. So many medicines. Before the sinus Infections, it was a minor issue. But they started to come more and more frequently. 100% of them are associated with this city. In my mind, that means SOMETHING and is amazing! Recuperation is getting harder. So, now my anxiety about this trip is worsened. I’m glad we are staying someplace else. Will prob go to Walgreens this morning and lOok for Neilmed and humidifier. Some scientist is coming to analyze rug at other place…
I suspect it is a multiple trigger thing that overwhelms me. Dry car, VOC’s or allergens from new rug, slightly higher pollen count in City B and possible exposure to germs from children.
Maggy…right this second notcsurevhow to private message you. If you know how, please contact me. Thank you.
Thanks Maggy! Had no idea there was a support group in our city now????? Or is it in the one about 45 minutes North of us? Check your private messages and please contact me with any information. Thank you. Not sure who Lynn is?????????