Do you feel that your joint pain is being addressed by your Physicians?

X-rays are a most helpful tool, but don't you think that sometimes the joint pain is underestimated if there is not severe joint damage noticeable on the x-rays?

Absolutely,100 percent underestimated. If its not noted on an x-ray, it must not be as bad as you say. Again making you feel as though you are nothing but a whining, complaining, drug seeking idiot!

My GP reminds me of how high my Sjogren's test came back, and that it plays a big part in the pain factor, so I am very fortunate that 'he gets it'. Others, not so much, some not at all!

I need new support…any suggestions on rhuematology or general drs…I will travel…I am desprite for help and support…I travel to Vermont to see a rhuematolist…so suggest away…thank you…bless you

Ive too been lucky with my GP (family doctor) , he has been a complete blessing and has never given up on me … One of the few doctors that didnt think i was nuts ! Lol

Just keep trying them out awesomed, it takes alot to weed out the ones that say " theres nothing wrong" good luck…

It is tough....especially since it was a rheumy that delayed my diagnosis by so many years. She said there was nothing wrong, so the primary care blew it off to maybe a little osteoarthritis. It made me feel hopeless so I just stopped mentioning it to the docs. (It was my eye doc that caught it and pursued the correct diagnosis.) I can say, now that I have a name for it, all of my doctors are taking it seriously. Kinda sad that none of them took the joint pain and fatigue seriously enough to look further.

OH...and funny thing. My insurance changed and the only doc that doesn't take it is the rheumy (who I really like). When I asked for referrals, his office called me back with the list of 3 he would suggest. The very first was that woman that blew me off. I told his Assistant that and she was like "OOOOOH". I asked her to please let him know that she is not a good referral for Sjogren's and how she treated me. She said she would def let him know. (hopefully a little Karma will start kicking in for her)

EnjoyLife, if Karma is a boomerang, then there's more than one physician who has it coming!

SK…..I have such a fit of the giggles. Your comment had me picturing a huge Looney Tunes type boomerang flying in a large circle smacking a bunch of them (one at a time) in the head as it goes by.

As a general rule, I find that my joint pain is addressed. I have Psoriatic arthritis and Sjogren's, so clearly joint pain and inflammation are going to happen. I will say, my rheumy seemed to imply at my most recent visit that my complaints about one specific knuckle (middle finger MCP) might have been over the top, but she does do a thorough physical exam as well as listening to me, so I'm not too worried.

I have mostly soft tissue damage, causing a lot of joint laxity and pain. So far, I've avoided major bony erosions.

Honestly, some of them should just sell cars!

EnjoyLife said:

SK…..I have such a fit of the giggles. Your comment had me picturing a huge Looney Tunes type boomerang flying in a large circle smacking a bunch of them (one at a time) in the head as it goes by.

Stoney, I'm glad that the SS and PsA are not hitting your joints, and happy to hear that your Doctor is a good one, but hopefully you can get something for that finger!

Stoney said:

As a general rule, I find that my joint pain is addressed. I have Psoriatic arthritis and Sjogren's, so clearly joint pain and inflammation are going to happen. I will say, my rheumy seemed to imply at my most recent visit that my complaints about one specific knuckle (middle finger MCP) might have been over the top, but she does do a thorough physical exam as well as listening to me, so I'm not too worried.

I have mostly soft tissue damage, causing a lot of joint laxity and pain. So far, I've avoided major bony erosions.

SK- it’s very much in my joints, just not yet visible on x-ray other than mild joint space narrowing.

I find that none of my doctors takes my Sjogren's or Fibro diagnosis seriously. Which is very frustrating! My PCP is good about not letting me hurt, but he isn't sure what is causing it... ??.... My Rheumy at least takes the Fibro somewhat seriously. He seems more serious about the Fibro then the Sjogrens. My pain doctor on the other hand is driving me crazy! I want to have a "smack-fest" with him. Maybe I can smack some sense into him!! He is so sure his injections are going to make every pain go away, but it's not.

I have fallen twice in the last 3 weeks, compliments of my puppies. When I went to my pain doc, he had the ultrasound machine, and it showed significant bruising on my knee where I feel, but still doesn't believe in regular pain meds. What do I do?