Dry mouth remedy?

Hi all! In my many hours of research I came across the following in a medical journal study and decided to Google it: http://saliwell.com/products-2/gennarino-professional-custom-made-dry-mouth-relief/. Has anyone heard of this or been informed of it by their doctors? Just wondering if we can get this in the U.S. and if it works well? Thanks!!

Hi KazzCase,

Great find! Here is info on a permanent implant by them too, but it looks as though it's still in the UK!


How fascainting, KazzCase! I'm printing out the info on that device and bringing it to my dental appointment in August! I'll bet we can start getting that used in this country.

I tried contacting the company about how much it costs and availability but they never got back to me :confused:

Thanks for trying, Dryguy. I hope they do get back to you at some point. One would think they would be happy to let you know that info. I sent the link to my dentist to see if he is interested in seeing if he can get that for his patients with dry mouth -- like me.

Hi KazzCase

electrostimulation has been around for a long time now and has mixed evidence to support it.

I have read their clinical evidence and see no mention of Sjogren's.

I have contacted them and asked the question as I am in the UK I might get a reply. Will post if I hear anything useful.

Thank you, that would be great!

Very interesting. Can't seem to find the cost on their site.

I too will take this to my dentist.

Thanks for the info.