Hand tremors

How many people get hand tremors? I had the first one on Saturday after carrying in my groceries. I read up that it can happen with SS. The myelin sheath on the nerves can get thin and wear down and this can cause hand tremors -- so I read, anyway. But Omega 3 oils are supposed to help build that back up. The problem is if you have SS attacking your pancreas and then, even on enzymes, the digestion of oils does not go that well. So I guess this is why the hand tremors start. Anyone else experience these in the hands or feet or elsewhere?


I had to forgo the Omega 3's as I just could not digest them, even keeping them in freezer, even taking digestive enzymes...I'm thinking of substituting evening primrose oil as it is much less difficult to digest. I do like avocados, but don't seem to have them often enough. In Calif I had a tree in my backyard and that was fantastic!

Yes, I have had tremors, when I first started with them, I was on Savella, and thought this med was causing them, but have not taken that med for at least 5-7 years and have had tremors several other times, a few times my entire body was affected. I have not been able to link mine to any specific cause though.

Hope you can get past this, if I run across anything, I'll be sure to let you know!

Take good care of yourself!

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Hi....I have had some odd issues like that. In my case it turned out to be peripheral nerve damage. I'm on Gralise which helps a great deal. The rheumy and the neuro both said that I was running low on D3 and B12 which can contribute to nerve issues. I am on supplements for those. I had been taking flaxseed for a long time already so I don't think that had an effect either way. It can be a little freaky when tremors and things like that happen. If it happens again definitely get to a neuro to check it out.

Hi DLT88,
I’ve also experienced hand tremors, not sure if it’s a side affect from the drugs that I’m on or what else. My neurologist took an EEG, and told me that looks good. She specializes in epilepsy though, so she doesn’t know much about Sjogren’s.
My tremors are sporadic, and very inconvenient to say the least. I go to the rheumatologist next week and it is on my list of things to discuss.
Be well,

Wow, I've had hand tremors off and on for years and frankly w/ everything else going on

have never asked a Doc about them. It took forever to get the Sjogrens diagnosed and

I guess I was afraid it was something like a Parkinsons. This for me is actually a relief,

strange as that may sound. Obviously, it's not from meds in my case.

Thanks for bringing up the topic.

Aha, I've run out of B12 and D3 for awhile now and they are on my list to get after my next paycheck. Sure gets expensive having SS. I'm going to get back on those two soon. Thanks, EnjoyLife.

EnjoyLife said:

Hi....I have had some odd issues like that. In my case it turned out to be peripheral nerve damage. I'm on Gralise which helps a great deal. The rheumy and the neuro both said that I was running low on D3 and B12 which can contribute to nerve issues. I am on supplements for those. I had been taking flaxseed for a long time already so I don't think that had an effect either way. It can be a little freaky when tremors and things like that happen. If it happens again definitely get to a neuro to check it out.

Thank you so much, SK! I like avocados, too! That and some coconut oil are about the only fats/oils I can digest. So you have problems also with your pancreas from SS? I hope you have luck with the Primose Oil. I tried that during menopause, but it gave me headaches. And then I read that it does that in some people.

SK said:


I had to forgo the Omega 3's as I just could not digest them, even keeping them in freezer, even taking digestive enzymes...I'm thinking of substituting evening primrose oil as it is much less difficult to digest. I do like avocados, but don't seem to have them often enough. In Calif I had a tree in my backyard and that was fantastic!

Yes, I have had tremors, when I first started with them, I was on Savella, and thought this med was causing them, but have not taken that med for at least 5-7 years and have had tremors several other times, a few times my entire body was affected. I have not been able to link mine to any specific cause though.

Hope you can get past this, if I run across anything, I'll be sure to let you know!

Take good care of yourself!

Hi Mamabear,

It really does sound like most of us are having them because of the SS. I'm not on medications right now so I know it's not due to that. I'm glad your EEG looked good. It is scary for these to start happening. Then I read it can happen just after carrying heavy bags, etc. And that was just what I had finished doing.

Mamabear said:

Hi DLT88,
I've also experienced hand tremors, not sure if it's a side affect from the drugs that I'm on or what else. My neurologist took an EEG, and told me that looks good. She specializes in epilepsy though, so she doesn't know much about Sjogren's.
My tremors are sporadic, and very inconvenient to say the least. I go to the rheumatologist next week and it is on my list of things to discuss.
Be well,

Hi Andreajd -- I agree with you -- it's a relief its very likely a side effect from SS. The mind always goes to the fear of Parkinsons when this starts happening. I was relieved, too, to read it can be a SS symptom.

Andreajd said:

Wow, I've had hand tremors off and on for years and frankly w/ everything else going on

have never asked a Doc about them. It took forever to get the Sjogrens diagnosed and

I guess I was afraid it was something like a Parkinsons. This for me is actually a relief,

strange as that may sound. Obviously, it's not from meds in my case.

Thanks for bringing up the topic.

Yes DLT, the pancreas is still something that kicks up, along with a hiatal hernia that was surely caused by all of the explosive vomiting from the gall bladder. Took 20 years to get a solid dx on that as it was normal size, no stones present they finally discovered it was a dead organ, then it was the next thing to emergency surgery. Surgeon said it was dried up and stuck to the liver. I had been having acupuncture done at the time and when they hit the spot for the gb, I’d scream like a banshee! Oh, I’ve cleared out a few waiting rooms on my day!

I still believe that the costochondritis is at least partially caused by poor digestion, and I think that goes back to lack of salvia.

So much of this is hind sight, and comparing experiences with all of you makes the hind sight very clear.

I have been experiencing hand tremors a lot lately and when I show my family they tell me I need to eat so sugar because I’m hypoglycemic and I keep telling everyone this is something different that I can tell when my sugar is low but I’ll drink the juice and eat the candy to make the point so they realize its not that. I’ve ask my dr about it and she said she wasn’t sure. It’s so nice to have this group and to know I’m not alone.

Oh boy, what you went through to get diagnosed. It's so fascinating that Chinese Medicine can touch a point and know exactly where the problem is. Egads, dried up and stuck to the liver. That sounds horrible. You went through so much with that GB. LOL! on clearing waiting rooms! Thanks for that laugh! Yes, in hindsight we can see that so many things were due to this SS.

SK said:

Yes DLT, the pancreas is still something that kicks up, along with a hiatal hernia that was surely caused by all of the explosive vomiting from the gall bladder. Took 20 years to get a solid dx on that as it was normal size, no stones present they finally discovered it was a dead organ, then it was the next thing to emergency surgery. Surgeon said it was dried up and stuck to the liver. I had been having acupuncture done at the time and when they hit the spot for the gb, I'd scream like a banshee! Oh, I've cleared out a few waiting rooms on my day!

I still believe that the costochondritis is at least partially caused by poor digestion, and I think that goes back to lack of salvia.

So much of this is hind sight, and comparing experiences with all of you makes the hind sight very clear.

You are right. Shakiness from low sugar is something else. A hand tremor is not the same thing. You know your body best.

Tiffany Andrews said:

I have been experiencing hand tremors a lot lately and when I show my family they tell me I need to eat so sugar because I'm hypoglycemic and I keep telling everyone this is something different that I can tell when my sugar is low but I'll drink the juice and eat the candy to make the point so they realize its not that. I've ask my dr about it and she said she wasn't sure. It's so nice to have this group and to know I'm not alone.

Oh, I’m telling you, I could do a stand up routine on all of this that would leave everyone breathlessly rolling in the aisles. You have just got to laugh at some point or you’ll be in a small room without the view, unable to move your arms! And let me tell you, I’d rather laugh like a hyena than get sized up for a straight jacket, even if a Thorazine drip had great appeal some days!

hee hee hee......

Let me know when the tickets are on sale!

SK said:

Oh, I'm telling you, I could do a stand up routine on all of this that would leave everyone breathlessly rolling in the aisles. You have just got to laugh at some point or you'll be in a small room without the view, unable to move your arms! And let me tell you, I'd rather laugh like a hyena than get sized up for a straight jacket, even if a Thorazine drip had great appeal some days!

DLT, You and I have discussed pancreatic involvement before, and agreed there is little written confirmation of this, so here is something I just found that I wanted to pass along to you, just in case you need it sometime.


I have been dealing with a lot of tremors, especially in my right hand and arm, but not just there. However, I am dealing with trigeminal neuralgia and neurological symptoms, so I am not sure where one thing stops and the other begins. (and, lest anyone read this and panic, it is not usual to have the full Monty of these things happen at once, and mine has improved from where it began)

SK, thank you for that link. I like that page that has the percentage of your chance of getting that specific symptom from Sjogren's. I'm on a Facebook group - Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency - and I'm the only one on there with Sjogren's who has it, but there are a ton of other people who have Crohn's, Lupus, etc who were suddenly hit with EPI so it sure does seem like the 'autoimmune' attack. I've seen on some sites that have the pancreas listed as possible attack site for Sjogren's. It seems like you have that happening, too, right, SK? Do you take enzymes when you eat?

SK said:

DLT, You and I have discussed pancreatic involvement before, and agreed there is little written confirmation of this, so here is something I just found that I wanted to pass along to you, just in case you need it sometime.
