Hey Shelley,
Just to let you know, there is no problem with regard to health cover. It’s all covered by the Federal Govt via Medicare and due to her age, most health insurance cuts out at 65 or the premiums after 65 are so exorbitant you’ve got to be a millionaire to afford it.
As I mentioned I worked in community services, primarily Disability, covering everything from intellectual, physical, brain injury and sensory. 99.9% of my clients were pensioners and had no private cover. Due to the lack of available nursing home placements the government have a huge network of in-home supports fully funded to try and reduce the pressure on the nursing home system. Part of the theory is that people do much better within their home environment, so let’s support them with in that environment.
Geelong is considered to be a metropolitan area of Victoria and I can guarantee you that there are such services available. But, so as not to offend you or your Mum or point you in the wrong direction, I’ll make some enquiries on firstly getting an age care assessment done, then let you know the steps. The assessment is again covered bt Medicare. It will then be up to you and Mum to decide from there if this is the route you may want to take (or not). Would that be OK?
You mentioned earlier in regard to differing dr’s diagnosis and for people with complex needs and rare conditions, this is not unusual. Personally, I have had more diagnosis than I can count on my fingers (AND toes). Often it can be easier for an overloaded dr to say things like “Ohh you have a diagnosis of ‘X’, your symptoms must be related to ‘X’…” and they don’t look any further.
Here we have General practitioners(G.P.) in basic terms they are your family doctor. Can be great for your general health needs, but not much else. They refer people on to specialists and that’s great if they can pinpoint the primary issue. The problem is that sometimes a more thorough investigation is required to pinpoint THAT specific issue and this is where a physician can help. Again, in real basic terms, a physician is an investigator and have the time to run test, get scans, make referrals, receive reports, etc and co ordinate the whole picture. This, depending on the physician, can have a fee, but again via Medicare a GP can setup what’s called a Healthcare Plan, (which if she hasn’t got, I’d recommend anyway) it can help to identify specific needs.
There are also state based health advocates that can support and assist your Mum with appointments. I know for myself some of the info can be a little overwhelming, I take my wife, what I miss, she remembers. She’s my advocate.
So there goes a bit of info for you. Please speak to Mum and let me know what she has to say.
Does she want an aged care assessment?
Does she have a Healthcare plan?
Does she want a health advocate?
Look, if she says ‘No’ or ‘Stop’ that’s fine, I respect that. I’m just sharing the knowledge I have and if it helps, all the better.
Merl from the Moderator Support Team