Hi there Wayne, Welcome

Hi @HURRICANE , and welcome to the Sjogren’s Syndrome patient support group. While having a Sjogren’s diagnosis isn’t the best news, I’m glad that you were able to find this corner of the web and meet our community.

How have you been feeling lately? I saw that you have tried some treatments already for your symptoms from your profile.

We would love to hear from you, but if you’re feeling shy and would like to read up on some discussions first, the right side of our home page has all of the most recent conversations in several of our categories.

I hope that you’ll join in the conversation whenever you’re feeling comfortable enough to. Our members, new and old are glad to know they are not alone, and are here to listen to your experiences. If you need any assistance, I (or any other member with a shield next to their name) will be happy to help. Welcome again to our patient community!