How many Texans do we have here in Sjogren's Support?

Not to single you out, as you are the very nicest of folks, but it seems as though we have MANY here who call TX home! I realize it's a huge state, but not as densely populated as some. Does anyone think there's a link here or just a coincidence?

Any thoughts?

I am in Houston (Pearland), but originally from (very) South Louisiana. We transferred here 4 years ago.

I was born in Texas, raised in Colorado, but now live in San Diego.

I think it's just a coincidence! I am originally from in Plano (north of Dallas) for the last 15 years.


It must be a coincidence, Judy! Just seems like so many here hang their hat in TX!

I'm a newbie to the group, but I've been in Texas all but two years of my life. Grew up in Houston, have lived in the metroplex (Dallas/Fort Worth area) and Austin, and am now in San Antonio.

Hi nofreeshows! Good to hear from you!

I think it's a coincidence, but it's always good to meet someone from TX, just the nicest folks! I have always planned to visit your state, but alas, my traveling days are over! I hear San Antonio and Austin are just fabulous, Houston too!