This is what startles me beyond words also. I thought that us Fibro folks had it bad. SS is even more brutal than Fibro. ignorance, when it comes to doctors. I feel that there has to be a missing piece in this SS puzzle?? It just doesn't make sense that so many doctors are extremely ignorant when it comes to SS. Excessive dry mouth complaints +Excessive dry eyes= the strong possibility of SS. That's the same as 1+1=2.
sadymay said:
Asking the medical professionals that you encounter over the years to put the pieces together is like asking for a miracle. It takes years of constant doctor visits countless tests and too many symptoms to count to finally get a diagnosis. Even after that you still have to be your own advocate to get the proper treatment. They simply don't get it and I don't understand why they can't learn as much as their patients about theses diseases. Just be relentless and don't always believe what they tell you. I know it sounds crazy but that's how to keep yourself sain. Educate yourself and if your doc. Is worth a ....! He'll listen and you could teach him something.