Hello, I am newly diagnosed with SS. I also have diabetes, Raynauds, De’Quarvin’s syndrome, swolen lymph nodes, anemia, myositis, GERD, Acid Reflux, sleep apnea and an unexplained skin rash. My CRP and ESR have been elevated for the last 2 years. Luckily, I have no major organ issues. I was originally diagnosed with UCTD with Myositis. They have tried, sulfasalizine, methotrexate, Cell Cept and steroids…nothing helped. I am currently on Methotrexate with Folic acid, Vit D, Hydroxychloroquine and some pills for the itching the rash creates. I do not think this is primary SS, as I believe I have a lot of the symptoms of Lupus as well. However, this is a start and an answer to some of the uncertainty.