My appointment tomorrow (11/21/16)

Just wanted to let you all know that my appointment time is 1 p.m. CST
I will be sure an post about it ASAP!!!

I can’t begin to express my gratitude to all of you for being so understanding and comforting! I am not only going through a tough time medically right now but I am having some emotional issues going on as well (having some issues with my biological father that abandoned me twice and it looks like third times a charm)

So you all’s support and kind words REALLY mean a lot to me right now!!

Till tomorrow afternoon…

Hope all goes well and that you get some answers from the doc. Stress is definitely not good for us, so sorry that you’re having a hard time with your father.
Thinking of you…

Thanks so much!! I started a new thread about yesterday’s appt if you want to check it out!

Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!


I’m so sorry you are dealing with issues with your father. Things like that are so hurtful and conflicting. It can take away from the energy you need to get through the rest. I am glad you feel comfortable to vent here. Please keep us posted.