Pain Medication

I am currently taking Plaquenil, Restasis, and Pilocarpine for my SS. I don't take pain medication and haven't been rx'ed any so far. I am thinking I need to explore this further as on days like today my entire body hurts from my heels to my neck. My question is: Do you take pain medication and if so what do you take and how often. I have some Mobic from tendon issues and will take one when needed, but I am thinking I need to explore this more and discuss it with my Rheumatologist.

Thanks in advance.

This conversation comes up a lot in the psoriatic arthritis support group page.

Here’s the thing, if you feel the need for pain meds, then it would make me question whether your disease control is adequate. On the flip side, although I hate to use this word, I would wonder about the possibility of fibromyalgia as a secondary diagnosis. I would definitely encourage you to have this conversation with your doctor.

Hi Stoney,

That's what I was thinking as well. For the most part I am able to function well, but there are some days I have problems. I feel pretty good and am so grateful to have the relief that I do have, but was wondering if I should have something for the days when I struggle.

One of our former mods posted this discussion a while back, which hopefully will be helpful:

The 3 dimensions of pain, does your Doctor ask you about this?

If you go on discussions from the main menu bar, and search for it you should find it!

Very helpful, Jules, thank you. I'm adding the link for this earlier discussion:

Jules said:

One of our former mods posted this discussion a while back, which hopefully will be helpful:

The 3 dimensions of pain, does your Doctor ask you about this?

If you go on discussions from the main menu bar, and search for it you should find it!