Question about NSAID's

This is a questions for anyone who along with Sjogrens also has RA. I have started having pain in some of my joints (especially my knees) and my doc sent me Mobic. ( I also take Plaquenal) It has helped, but reading the side effects of NSAID's , it does causes concern. I was wondering if anyone has been on this med and how long have you been taking it?

Blessings to all! I don't know all of you by name, but I do pray for the people on this form!


Hi Judy,

As we have discussed, I also have PsA, and though I have not as yet used Mobic, I have taken NSAIDS for a decade on a regular basis, Daypro being the longest.

I had been taking 1800 mg daily until my Rheum told me that it was too much, over the daily limit. He explained the reason that prescription and OTC NSAIDS require a daily recommended dosage that needs to be closely followed. The reason was possible damage to liver and kidneys if taken in large amounts, and lets not forget the stomach. He went on to tell me that this was the main reason for regular fasting blood work. He feels it is best to go to a narcotic rather than over the daily limit on the NSAID, when greater relief is required.

My first BF group and first moderating position was on Psoriatic Arthritis, and there I learned the phrase, "fear the disease, not the drug", as every single new member had more fear of medicine than of the disease itself. In my opinion, as a patient, we need these meds to slow progression, inflammation and degeneration, especially of joints.

I fully realize that not everyone can tolerate meds, and in these instances I feel it is always wise to find a qualified, highly educated alternative Physician to prescribe these alternatives for the best, safest care possible, as the effects of these also need to be watched.

I truly do understand your concern about these meds, however, your Physician will closely monitor you, and of course you will always report any possible side effects, so unless you are having problems with a certain med, the value it has in reducing pain and inflammation are tough to replace by any other means.

Sometimes people kid themselves thinking that using herbs or something considered 'natural' would be better, but unless you are under the direct care of a master herbalist or nautropath, you can cause yourself more problems than you may think.

Sorry, didn't mean to get on the soapbox with you! Really! Just wanted to get that out there!

Hope the Mobic gives you some relief. There are many on the PsA, Lupus, and Fibromyalgia sites of BF who take this med, so it must be a good one!

Wishing you well,


If there are natural remedies (oils and herbs) that will have the same effect, why put these man-made industrial chemicals in your body? I have Interstitial Cystitis as well as Sjogren's and have found that the effects of these man-made drugs are as bad as the effects of the disease. I have gotten great relief from essential oils and herbal teas, especially the dimulcents like Marshmallow Root. Add a little Turmeric to the marshmallow root tea for added pain relief.

SK said:

Hi Judy,

As we have discussed, I also have PsA, and though I have not as yet used Mobic, I have taken NSAIDS for a decade on a regular basis, Daypro being the longest.

I had been taking 1800 mg daily until my Rheum told me that it was too much, over the daily limit. He explained the reason that prescription and OTC NSAIDS require a daily recommended dosage that needs to be closely followed. The reason was possible damage to liver and kidneys if taken in large amounts, and lets not forget the stomach. He went on to tell me that this was the main reason for regular fasting blood work. He feels it is best to go to a narcotic rather than over the daily limit on the NSAID, when greater relief is required.

My first BF group and first moderating position was on Psoriatic Arthritis, and there I learned the phrase, "fear the disease, not the drug", as every single new member had more fear of medicine than of the disease itself. In my opinion, as a patient, we need these meds to slow progression, inflammation and degeneration, especially of joints.

I fully realize that not everyone can tolerate meds, and in these instances I feel it is always wise to find a qualified, highly educated alternative Physician to prescribe these alternatives for the best, safest care possible, as the effects of these also need to be watched.

I truly do understand your concern about these meds, however, your Physician will closely monitor you, and of course you will always report any possible side effects, so unless you are having problems with a certain med, the value it has in reducing pain and inflammation are tough to replace by any other means.

Sometimes people kid themselves thinking that using herbs or something considered 'natural' would be better, but unless you are under the direct care of a master herbalist or nautropath, you can cause yourself more problems than you may think.

Sorry, didn't mean to get on the soapbox with you! Really! Just wanted to get that out there!

Hope the Mobic gives you some relief. There are many on the PsA, Lupus, and Fibromyalgia sites of BF who take this med, so it must be a good one!

Wishing you well,


Dear SK,

You are the best! Thank you for your knowledge and insight!. I loved what you said about "fear the disease not the drug".



Hi Judy - I was taking NSAIDs for years because of an old whiplash and I had so much damage to my intestinal system from it. I wish I never took it. Also, it dries up the saliva in our mouths and, with Sjogren's, we afford to let that get worse. But, I think using them sporadically when you really really need them might be all right. I agree with Della, though, and I would try and find natural pain remedies like Devils Claw which is an anti-inflammatory. But I know the pain you are going through with RA as one of my dear friends has it. I hope you find something that really helps that doesn't cause damage somewhere else.

Hello Della,

I happen to belong to the 'whatever works club'. Though the youth have adapted 'whatever' to be dismissive, I mean it in the truest sense of 'whatever works best for you'.

Ben's Friends mission is that of support. That means respecting the choice that others make for their own personal health and well being. Arthritis is a very aggressive disease, and some prefer to stop the progression of it.

I am all for the healing qualities of herbs, use them myself, grow many of my own. But also know from experience that they all have different affects on the body.

So in this case, marshmallow could cause a diabetic serious problems, and tumeric could cause someone with gall bladder issues to also have serious problems.

My suggestion to all here is to consult a professional, no matter if your path is that of the traditional medicine or alternative supplements, as there are more factors than you may realize.

I ask that all personal choices for another's health are always respected.

Wishing you well,


So true, SK. Everything needs to be used in moderation. Even herbs and things like that or we can throw our bodies out of balance in different ways.

SK said:

Hello Della,

I happen to belong to the 'whatever works club'. Though the youth have adapted 'whatever' to be dismissive, I mean it in the truest sense of 'whatever works best for you'.

Ben's Friends mission is that of support. That means respecting the choice that others make for their own personal health and well being. Arthritis is a very aggressive disease, and some prefer to stop the progression of it.

I am all for the healing qualities of herbs, use them myself, grow many of my own. But also know from experience that they all have different affects on the body.

So in this case, marshmallow could cause a diabetic serious problems, and tumeric could cause someone with gall bladder issues to also have serious problems.

My suggestion to all here is to consult a professional, no matter if your path is that of the traditional medicine or alternative supplements, as there are more factors than you may realize.

I ask that all personal choices for another's health are always respected.

Wishing you well,


and, this is why you are a Moderator. And a darn good one at that!


I totally endorse the carefully worded response by KAZ as ever she shows reason and evidence combined with a balanced approach.

The problem is that nature isn't simple and there are very few absolutes or truths - unfortunately most people (especially politicians and businessmen) cannot handle the "truth" or cope with complexity and demand simple answers where none exist this is why posts by KAZ SK and me tend to be long .

Thanks as ever for your contributions.