Thank goodness for this website. There is a support group near me, but only one in the State of Minnesota, and only meets once a month.
I have had dry mouth for over a year, and had other symptoms as well. At the end of December, I was at the dog park, when I was short of breath, having chest pain, quite fatigued, and had pain down my arm. My husband then took me to the ER, where I waited for 2 1/2 hours, thinking I was having a heart attack. They then decided I had a seizure and sent me on my way. I told my doctor that I know how seizures feel, and my husband knows what they look like, and disagreed with the doctor, but she was insistent, and sent me on my way.
Going to see my primary doctor, he basically told me (after some tests) that this is something I had to live with. Random pain, take some Tylenol. I then went for a second opinion, where this doctor told me that "there is obviously something wrong, and we will figure it out. She tested for Sjogrens, and then sent me to a Rheumotologist and a hematologist to see if they can help out with my low white blood count, and Sjogren's.
What a relief to have a name, and a course of action!
My fatigue is the biggest problem. I have been off of work for 2 months, and go back part time next week. I am afraid that there will be fatigue problems once I go back full time. I am looking at Yoga for help in this. I want to start on the DASH diet too, however my husband is a picky eater, and I usually do the grocery shopping, and cooking.
I am also needing to go to an optholmologist, and get some insight there. Have some cavities that need to be filled, but I am no longer being "talked to" for poor dental hygiene. I feel overwhelmed with the amount of medicine I am on
It is very hard for me to say no, and set boundaries. I am a caretaker, and want to help out, and go,go,go. This is the hardest part for me.
Any words of wisdom are helpful.
Thank you,