Good evening , I have some questions about SSJ I have never experienced this before . I've had all my teeth pulled do to SsJ . 5 years ago and this weekend I went out of town to visit family and when I woke up with my gum with alot of pain and jaw swollen and numb I'm sure it's a infection and had no antibiotic . I knew I had someat home but could not take until tonight so I'm not sure who would I go see Dr , Dentist , or my RA . Wanted to seeif anyone everhad this before . Am I going to have to live on antibiotics every 2 -3weeks thanks for any help :-)
Hi extra,
Sorry you are going through this so often! I have precious few teeth left due to Sjogren's, and sometimes my jaws are so swollen and sore, it's hard to wear my lower partial.
Here's what I know, DDS are only allowed to prescribe one kind of antibiotic usually, and perhaps this is not quite doing the trick, so my best guess is an MD, since there are no teeth actually involved.
Let me know how this goes, hopefully you can get some relief quickly!
How are you doing extra? Any answers or relief on this?
I hope you feel better very soon! BTW, the discussions get MUCH more traffic than the blogs!