Thin Skin

Thank you SK hope this is the right place to write. I was wondering if anyone else is having problems with bruising of the arms and legs. I barley hit my arm or leg against something and I get a big bruise and or it tears my skin and it bleeds. It is very painful and not very attractive to look at. There is no way to cover it up besides wearing jeans and long sleeve shirts. Summer is coming and I can't even shave my legs for fear I will nick my self and make things much worse. I thought it may be from the blood pressure meds but it seem worse since being told I have SS. Thanks for your input.

That sounds a little unnerving. I have dealt with serious bruising but it seemed to be from some of the deficiencies we deal with, in my case. The rheumy put my on some supplements based on the bloodwork and its helped a great deal ,though it took time. Have you spoken with your doc about it? It doesn't sound like the kind of symptoms that should be set aside.

Yes I have the same thing plus my skin tears open very easily. I started using vitaminE oil on my skin for the dryness and the tearing and it is heIping more then anything I have tried for the skin tearing. Nothing helps the bruising. Good luck

Yes, I too have had the bruising and the ripping of the skin but that was when I was getting monthly steroid injections for my Psoriasis (on my hands). After about 2 years of that my Dr said I couldn't have the injections any more and was switched to methotrexate. The bruising and ripping was only happening on my arms, my Dr said that it usually happens to the part of your body where you have had sun damage.

Nothing is easy or clear with auto immune issues..... Good luck

Yep! This is all me. Started with increased steroid dosages. And, so started easy bruising and then skin tears. My legs have the condition from my knees to my ankles and are blue black from scars from the bruising. I had gash injuries to my lower legs that turned into cellulitis (skin infection). Can't sew any wounds or gashes because the skin is too weak. My arms are a mess too. My arms are bluish/black from elbows to knuckles.

I have learned to stock lots of band aids that remove easily--steri-strips too. It looks awful to me. Big blow to my self image and nothing that can be done. Have been told if I went off the prednisone, that the skin most likely would not come back. My current rheumy tried to wean me off the steroids and I got sick with a lung infection.

Also been told that the Sjogren's affects the skin too. In addition, I've read and been told by the doc that the coloration (greyish/blueish) is a side effect of the Plaquenil.

These drugs keep me alive, but not necessarily pretty.

I bruise easily also. I never connected it with SS. Let's see what others have to say.

My mother, and her mother before her, as they age, their skin gets thin, the least little bump, and you can see the blood under the skin, or it tears open. My skin is getting thinner too, and that's a shame, I used to be pretty 'thick skinned' as far as the actual skin and for being able to withstand a lot...

EnjoyLife said:

That sounds a little unnerving. I have dealt with serious bruising but it seemed to be from some of the deficiencies we deal with, in my case. The rheumy put my on some supplements based on the bloodwork and its helped a great deal ,though it took time. Have you spoken with your doc about it? It doesn't sound like the kind of symptoms that should be set aside.

I bump into anything and I have a bruise. I never put that with Sjogrens though.

I bruise badly too… just commented on the other post about this. The mix of supplements the docs have me on helps a lot but I still go through stretches of time that I get them something awful.

I get cuts on my fingers all the time, not sure where they come from. Sometimes need to use neosporin on them with a band aid. That will help for a day or two.

Perhaps they are more splits than cuts? I get those on my hands. Liquid bandage is wonderful to cover and seal them until they heal. Waterproof.

Mamabear said:

I get cuts on my fingers all the time, not sure where they come from. Sometimes need to use neosporin on them with a band aid. That will help for a day or two.

Hi all
The last two years my arms have been covered with bruises. I have been on medrol for at least 6 years 4 mg a is horrible and I have to cover up completely in The summer. My rheumtologist didn’t seem to think much of it. I have tried creams and supplements. Nothing helps, I can’t even bare to look at it…

I accidently touch anything and it tears and bruised