Does Anyone Think That There Are Specific Foods That Effect Their Sjogren's Syndrome?

I ate pork 2 different times. Shortly after eating, I went into a flair. I don't know if it's coincidental or not. But, it's put enough fear in my to stop eating pork. Does anyone else feel that certain foods may effect their SS?

I have never had any food cause a flare with my Sjogren's. On the other hand I can't eat any spicy hot things (which I love) since the SS started. It burns my mouth for hours after. Also, food tastes more intense than before.

If I eat a lot of empty calories and other junk food I feel ill after-even though it tasted great. So my conclusion is that eating a healthy diet helps quell autoimmune symptoms.

I eat fresh organic food--not processed organic. And I feel the difference when I don't. Except for getting sick eating junk, I haven't noticed any correlation between food and flares. There are foods that I can't tolerate such as chiles, soy sauce, msg and the like. Once went to a seminar put on by a chiropractor who said if the product has more than 5 ingredients, organic or no, don't buy it. Some people have some success eliminating gluten from their diets too.

You got to hold on.

Absolutely! Hello:) Protein. ALL THINGS PROTEIN!!! How much protein, what type, with what, and yes when. Protein is what activates our Sogrens immune response, ie. “flare ups” I uliminated all protein from my diet for a few weeks and and never felt better. I reintroduced protein back into my diet and eventually (trial & error ) figured out what types of protein and how much etc I could tolerate with less symptoms. Oh ya and brain fog is lifting too! Isn’t this fun? Are we there yet?

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Sally Medina,

I have so many problems with my hair, skin and nails. I would think that eliminating protein would make my hair, skin and nails even worse than they are now. I'm wondering how the GMO Foods will effect our SS? It kind of scares me.

Sugar does. Sugar causes inflammation and causes flares. Oddly enough, I eat a lot of sashimi and a bit of sushi. My Dr. says that increased levels of mercury aggravate autoimmune diseases and cause flares. My mercury was high last week and she always tells me to stop eating sushi.

I am starting a daily log to see if food is causing my flair ups. I am male 50 and its been 15 months with episodes, they happen at around the same time in the month, I refer to them as my Male Period!

Hi Sally,

I just wanted to add something I learned about GMO foods. My son is in grad school to get his masters in biology and works in a food store that specializes in healthy foods. He has done a lot of research on foods and has given me some great info to help my Sjorgren's. Not all GMO foods are bad. Some have been modified (like types of corn) to make them naturally pest resistant so that they need less pesticides. Unfortunately, you are going to have to do research to figure out which foods you eat that have GMOs and what they were used for. Companies are using the GMO scare to say that there foods are GMO free but if you read their labels they are sometimes full of chemicals! It has become a marketing strategy to make the consumer believe they are buying healthy food when they are not. We have to careful about what we eat and unfortunately that takes time to do research and energy we sometimes don't have! I just try to buy fresh food as much as possible and stick to the basics.

I hope this helped a little. Good luck! and take care,


Nana D said:

Here is a website with good information on protein, I personally find problems with my hair and nails seemed to be related more to my Vit D Levels, and not my diet. Hope this helps!
confused said:

Sally Medina,

I have so many problems with my hair, skin and nails. I would think that eliminating protein would make my hair, skin and nails even worse than they are now. I'm wondering how the GMO Foods will effect our SS? It kind of scares me.

I am now having serious intolerancy with fruits such as rasberries, strawberries, blackberries, and pineapple. I have eaten these fruits all my life but now they are eliminated. Half an hour after eating them, I am so ill and vomiting. I’m pretty sure this is intolerance and not an allergy, however I would be interested to know if it could have anything to do with Sjogrens is it just something else to add to everything else. If anyone has any thoughts, i would love to know. My fruit choice is getting smaller and smaller.

Anything with gluten causes a flair for me...and processed foods, or aspartame. Was pork you consumed bacon/ham, or something containing nitrates/nitrites?

This is a great question. It's been my experience to eat only organic meats. So if I eat hotdogs or salami (not very often), I eat organic and they're not cured. I get sick and have severe migraines from non-organic and/or cured meats. 25% or less of my diet is protein. I eat mostly chicken, turkey and some fish.

AUjewel said:

Anything with gluten causes a flair for me...and processed foods, or aspartame. Was pork you consumed bacon/ham, or something containing nitrates/nitrites?

Pork is a killer for me...I rarely eat it. It hurts my joints, the next day I can barely move. But that is just 'me'....each of us needs to take the time to figure out what works for each of our body chemistry.

It's like going back to school, it's a real process for us to learn what is good/bad...take the time. It's important, for our 'over-all' health.

Food gives me flares,, Sugar terrible for flares, and some protein and guleton any junk food ,, I have had the worst gout the other week,, I ate some ice cream but it was a bowl of it haven"T had it for so long,,, long time and had a blow out with gout in both feet,, after that I did some research and found that people with SS have more uric acid in their system than the norm,, so now no more treats for me at all,, One thing Ihave found that has helped me and have been taking it is apple cider vinegar,, I have been taking it 3x per day one tablespoon,,, and I am feeling so much better except for the gout,,,but it is on the improve I believe that controlling SS is all about diet,, I eat fruit,,, vegetables,,, a tiny little bit of meat ,,, and only eat what the sun grows,, it may sound really strict, But it works for me I will still have the odd drink of spirits occastionally ,Although I did blow out and eat ice cream every say six months but no more,,,The more natural the diet the better for SS,,

Having a healthy diet is helping me. As soon as I eat red meat, spicy food, fried food, dairy and the worst is sugar I get a flare up. After cutting down everything that caused me to flare up. I stop having flared up and was able to stop the medecine, Hydroxyquine. Now I am experimenting with a gluten free diet. I have been on it for 3 months, it seems to really help. No more flare up, no more dry eyes and dry mouth. I m able to sleep longer at night. All the best to you

Chocolate-- this is the food that really effects me if I can’t find any of it in the house when I desperately need it! Ok just kidding :slight_smile:

Pork causes me to bloat and so I stopped eating it.
I can only have very small amounts of gluten…same with sugar…or I might very well flare.

It really is a matter of figuring out what affects you. Be patient and go one food at a time. My docs have said that food definitely affects things. The big three being sugar, wheat and dairy. I guess I am lucky in that I do well on red meat… and I do occasionally break down and have dark chocolate but I do have to watch myself in general. I have to be careful with alcohol too….my joints get to feeling swollen with anything accept hard apple cider. (I hear that is safe for gluten free diets too). I need to stick to a fairly health diet overall but I lean more toward a Mediterranean style which works for me. Try keeping a pain and food diary for a little while as well…sometimes it helps. And it may uncover something you weren't thinking of….lack of sleep, stress, etc.

Bels said:

Hi Sally,

I just wanted to add something I learned about GMO foods. My son is in grad school to get his masters in biology and works in a food store that specializes in healthy foods. He has done a lot of research on foods and has given me some great info to help my Sjorgren's. Not all GMO foods are bad. Some have been modified (like types of corn) to make them naturally pest resistant so that they need less pesticides. Unfortunately, you are going to have to do research to figure out which foods you eat that have GMOs and what they were used for. Companies are using the GMO scare to say that there foods are GMO free but if you read their labels they are sometimes full of chemicals! It has become a marketing strategy to make the consumer believe they are buying healthy food when they are not. We have to careful about what we eat and unfortunately that takes time to do research and energy we sometimes don't have! I just try to buy fresh food as much as possible and stick to the basics.

I hope this helped a little. Good luck! and take care,


Nana D said:

Here is a website with good information on protein, I personally find problems with my hair and nails seemed to be related more to my Vit D Levels, and not my diet. Hope this helps!
confused said:

Sally Medina,

I have so many problems with my hair, skin and nails. I would think that eliminating protein would make my hair, skin and nails even worse than they are now. I'm wondering how the GMO Foods will effect our SS? It kind of scares me.

Dany Cruze said: I took silica gel and my hair grew back very long.. I think the medecine and the disease is taking a toll on our body... We need more supplements to stay healthy..

Bels said:

Hi Sally,

I just wanted to add something I learned about GMO foods. My son is in grad school to get his masters in biology and works in a food store that specializes in healthy foods. He has done a lot of research on foods and has given me some great info to help my Sjorgren's. Not all GMO foods are bad. Some have been modified (like types of corn) to make them naturally pest resistant so that they need less pesticides. Unfortunately, you are going to have to do research to figure out which foods you eat that have GMOs and what they were used for. Companies are using the GMO scare to say that there foods are GMO free but if you read their labels they are sometimes full of chemicals! It has become a marketing strategy to make the consumer believe they are buying healthy food when they are not. We have to careful about what we eat and unfortunately that takes time to do research and energy we sometimes don't have! I just try to buy fresh food as much as possible and stick to the basics.

I hope this helped a little. Good luck! and take care,


Nana D said:

Here is a website with good information on protein, I personally find problems with my hair and nails seemed to be related more to my Vit D Levels, and not my diet. Hope this helps!
confused said:

Sally Medina,

I have so many problems with my hair, skin and nails. I would think that eliminating protein would make my hair, skin and nails even worse than they are now. I'm wondering how the GMO Foods will effect our SS? It kind of scares me.

good foods have a dramatic effect on our bodies as do bad foods…I have been septic three times this year…bacteria can not thrive in a highly oxygenated state…first lesson learned from eating greens things…second lesson was about meat being full of bugs and parasites…I now eat grass feed…it’s not expensive compared to doctors visit s and scripts…my edema and swelling has gone away…now I’m working on Not being diabetic…it takes 40 days to break a habit and three months to reverse diabetes…hope this helps…I am excited to hear some goods things in a world of negativity…

I think the longer you have SS, the more important your diet is for your body sake , I do not eat Sugar, no bread, no wheat,no rice If the sun does not grow it I do not eat it except some cheese sometimes ,I eat meat, But I do not eat bacon, or sausages, I eat fresh vegetables and fresh fruit, nothing from a can, or packet I drink almond milk that i make myself, blend almonds and a bit of water , and will eat a few eggs a week but basically that is about it, I have noticed a lot of weight loss, and my body has improved, I also drink apple cider vinegar, three times a day one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, into a large glass of water. I use the Braggs one I also take a vitamins for my hair and it is called {Go Hair Skin Nails Liquid } and take a teaspoon a day, my hair before i was taking it was just falling out by the handful,but it does not do that any more, Everyone is different you just have to find what is right for you