Hi, All,
One of the sponsors of your Sjogren’s online community needs your help!
They are looking to identify additional patients who have been diagnosed with primary Sjogren’s (no autoimmune conditions) in the past 3 years, for an at-home study. By participating in this study, you’ll be helping support your Sjogren’s online community AND your contribution may help researchers find a cure.
Participants will receive compensation for their time.
To participate in the study visit https://sanguinebio.com/study?PSS001 or call 818-804- 2463.
To learn more about the non-profit that started your Sjogren’s community: http://www.bensfriends.org
Feel free to leave any questions or comments below.
Warmest Wishes,
Your Loyal Mods
I did it! They made the process pretty smooth. And same with the blood draws. I researched them on my own when I first heard it here, then talked to my doc about it. He was all for it (and knew exactly who the company is). They do need people and I am thrilled that we are finally getting some attention. Here’s to the future!
I signed up a while back but unfortunately I was informed a few weeks ago that I was not eligible. I was dx via lip bx…I was dx April of this year…so the only part that may have disqualified me is the primary part. I am sero-negative.
As of right now, I do only have a SJS dx at this time, but I do have a slew of mystery symptoms that have been ongoing for sometime now. So I am convinced I was not eligible due to me POSSIBLY not being primary???
So happy you were able to participate!!
Could well be. They did ask if i was primary, etc. And they needed my rheumotologist to send them blood test confirmation that I have SS and nothing else.