Hi Gregory, Welcome!

Hi @gregtdj , and welcome to the Sjogren’s Support patient support group. I’m Julie, on of the interns from Ben’s Friends.

It definitely seems like you’ve been through quite a bit through the years, and even if you aren’t specifically diagnosed with Sjogren’s, that doesn’t mean that your experiences aren’t understood here., especially since autoimmune conditions in general can affect us in so many different ways. We’re glad that you were able to find us and join in a community where people with these conditions can feel seen and heard.

One topic that could be helpful for what you’re looking for is our symptoms category, where people discuss what symptoms they’re feeling and offer support. We also have a complementary therapy category that might be a good read to see how others have managed their condition aside from medications they may get from a doctor.

We’re here to listen if you have anything you’d like to ask or get off your chest. Looking forward to hearing your updates, don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you need!

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Thank you very much! I’ll give this a look over when I can! Thanks!

Hi Greg! Welcome to the group. We’ve got a pretty great bunch here so I do hope it helps

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