Oil pulling practice for dry mouth and dental problems

Hi all,

I have recently developed a gum infection near an implanted tooth. Well, holistic dentist gave me penicillin and ozone oil to use. Halfway through I was advised to start "oil pulling" with coconut oil. This has helped tremendously and I noticed it has helped bring more moisture to inside of my mouth and increased saliva. My teeth feel cleaner, shinier and whiter.

I'm not sure if this treatment is mentioned on the sjogren's forum. I couldn't find it anywhere in the discussions, so I thought I would post it.

Here is just one link that describes it. You can google, there are many. I used organic coconut oil since it has antibacterial and antifungal properties to it. I've read that sesame and sunflower are used too. It is known to have many other benefits.



Terri....I posted a discussion also on Lyme and Fibro boards. Lyme is notorious for causing dental issues. I'm all for keeping my choppers. lol


Tez_20 said:

Ally nice one mate for adding the discussion and i hope members few it otherwise and like i mentioned on LWL...once i know where i stand with the methotrexate i'll be trying it but ste did mention the chemist by we would sell it.

Hugs Terri :)

Thank you, same to you too.

Tez_20 said:

Oh Ally i do hope and i mean this because i'm a freak for keeping your teeth right and saving them and your like me for looking after them and i really do hope they continue to keep in nice condition.

Terri :)

Allergic said:

Terri....I posted a discussion also on Lyme and Fibro boards. Lyme is notorious for causing dental issues. I'm all for keeping my choppers. lol


Tez_20 said:

Ally nice one mate for adding the discussion and i hope members few it otherwise and like i mentioned on LWL...once i know where i stand with the methotrexate i'll be trying it but ste did mention the chemist by we would sell it.

Hugs Terri :)

Terri, You crack me up!
I'm glad I said something worth remembering! ha ha

Tez_20 said:


Never you mind about repeating yourself..i've just done it to you saying i'd read somewhere that Lyme disease affects your teeth more and it was you oh shit emoticonsuicide emoticon

Allergic said:

Terri....I posted a discussion also on Lyme and Fibro boards. Lyme is notorious for causing dental issues. I'm all for keeping my choppers. lol


Tez_20 said:

Ally nice one mate for adding the discussion and i hope members few it otherwise and like i mentioned on LWL...once i know where i stand with the methotrexate i'll be trying it but ste did mention the chemist by we would sell it.

Hugs Terri :)


That's funny, I can imagine that happening. I can't think unless it is quiet, so if someone if talking, I have to tell them to "be quiet, I'm thinking." I try not to think a lot. Makes me tired. LOL

Hey, don't knock the fuller's earth, bentonite clay is used to transport heavy metals out of the body during chelation. I didn't use it during the chelation but opted for the coffee enemas which stimulate the liver and detoxify.

By the way, I got retested for the heavy metals and the chelation worked well on the mercury. My level was down to acceptable range. Unfortunately, lead, cesium and thallium are high so I may need to do the chelation more in future. But happy that the mercury is very low now.



Tez_20 said:


At times i crack myself up...i must be on fullers earth sometimes as the saying goes here facepalm smiley....in the past few weeks ste's caught me blanked memory wise and asking what i'm doing deep thinking smileyand i've not got a clue myself ...in future it's a case of thinking hard smileyshush smiley

Hi Terri,

Yea, I do watch out for stuff. I'm always on alert, investigating before I try something. I'm sure it annoys the doctors, but so what. My Naturopathic doctor is not annoyed, she likes when I check things out. Her ego does not control her.


Tez_20 said:

Hello Ally,

I try not to think at all to much mate because if i think of issues i get worked up on things quickly.

Yes i know you did the coffee enemas which you said you found helped you...it's funny but ste's packed up coffee and turned to tea now...at one stage he used to flush is body out with those enemas and buy them from the herbal shop.

Welli am pleased your mercury level is down because you've worked hard on lower issues in your body just a pure shame you have all this but if you can get the others dropped even better but please watch your body as we can all only do so much you know.

Hugs Terri :)

Allergic said:


That's funny, I can imagine that happening. I can't think unless it is quiet, so if someone if talking, I have to tell them to "be quiet, I'm thinking." I try not to think a lot. Makes me tired. LOL

Hey, don't knock the fuller's earth, bentonite clay is used to transport heavy metals out of the body during chelation. I didn't use it during the chelation but opted for the coffee enemas which stimulate the liver and detoxify.

By the way, I got retested for the heavy metals and the chelation worked well on the mercury. My level was down to acceptable range. Unfortunately, lead, cesium and thallium are high so I may need to do the chelation more in future. But happy that the mercury is very low now.



Tez_20 said:


At times i crack myself up...i must be on fullers earth sometimes as the saying goes here facepalm smiley....in the past few weeks ste's caught me blanked memory wise and asking what i'm doing deep thinking smileyand i've not got a clue myself ...in future it's a case of thinking hard smileyshush smiley

I have actually done the organic coconut oil too with great results! I am trying to avoid taking medications if at all possible. The coconut oil has so many other wonderful benefits as well.

Turmeric and a small amount of pepper (found in capsule form) in any organic store reduces inflammation which helps with joint pain. But be certain to check with your doctor before starting it. It is my understanding that it can effect the body's ability to clot when a person is on medications to prevent clotting.

Hi Ethansmom,

I, too, avoid taking medications unless I am in dire straits. I use Tumeric sparingly, since I have a bleeding disorder. I have found that teasel root extract to be very helpful with my joint and muscle pain and it is ok for me to take, not interfering with my clotting. Check with doctor before using any herbals.


Ethansmom said:

I have actually done the organic coconut oil too with great results! I am trying to avoid taking medications if at all possible. The coconut oil has so many other wonderful benefits as well.

Turmeric and a small amount of pepper (found in capsule form) in any organic store reduces inflammation which helps with joint pain. But be certain to check with your doctor before starting it. It is my understanding that it can effect the body's ability to clot when a person is on medications to prevent clotting.