Painful swallowing

I have gotten to the point where I need to eat only soft foods and need to drink copious amounts of water to get through a meal. Any suggestions?

Are you on pilocarpine or evoxac? I was choking on everything before I had medicine to increase my saliva.

Thanks, I'll ask my doc.

I hope you get some relief soon.

I also had the same symptom. Even choked a couple times and inhaled some pills one time and the another time inhaled a piece of meat. I had to go to ER for a bronchoscopy to have them removed. This was before I knew I had Sjogren's.

Pilocarpine was has changed my life--helps with saliva production. Still have to drink lots of water or suck on sugarless candy, but haven't had a choking incident since.

You got to hold on.

I know just how you feel. I did not have luck with Pilocarpine. Hoping to try Exovac.

Hope one of these will help you.

Just curious. My rheumy told me that a lot of patients don't like the side effects of pilocarpine. Did that happen to you?

When I started the medication it seemed not to be working. Finally the doc incresed the dose to five times per day--no side effect--and it started working.

Connie said:

I know just how you feel. I did not have luck with Pilocarpine. Hoping to try Exovac.

Hope one of these will help you.

I was taking it 3x per day as he prescribed. The only side effect I noticed was if I took it on an empty stomach, I felt a bit shaky. The few times I try this med, I was on it for maybe two or three days. When I didn't notice a change I took myself off. My problem is now, the Rheumatologist I was seeing gave up his practice. Have to find a new doc.

So now that you take this 5x a day, you have an increase in saliva? That would be so awesome. Who would think one would be excited about saliva.

Since the dose was increased to 5x per day, I have a moister mouth. If I want to keep it real moist I have to use sugar free gum or candy. But when I'm eating it's much better.

Connie said:

I was taking it 3x per day as he prescribed. The only side effect I noticed was if I took it on an empty stomach, I felt a bit shaky. The few times I try this med, I was on it for maybe two or three days. When I didn't notice a change I took myself off. My problem is now, the Rheumatologist I was seeing gave up his practice. Have to find a new doc.

So now that you take this 5x a day, you have an increase in saliva? That would be so awesome. Who would think one would be excited about saliva.

I'm starting to need to chew more slowly and drink with every mouthful. I'm a bit afraid of the meds for increasing saliva, because of the side effects. And I am on so many meds right now for other things. I'm just gonna drink more water, use Biotene and avoid tea and coffee and alcohol.

I tried pilocarpine first and it worked, but it messed with my urination somehow. Evoxac is a lifesaver for me, no side effects at all and it increases saliva even better than the pilocarpine (for me).
I understand some people are nervous to try new medications, but my symptoms were so bad I had to do something. If someone told me 20 years ago that I would be on all of these meds, I would have called them insane. I hardly even took any Tylenol. But you do what you have to to have some sort of quality of life.

For my own information: How did pilocarpine mess with your urination? I may have something going on that is a side effect of pilocarpine.

Hollydoodle said:

I tried pilocarpine first and it worked, but it messed with my urination somehow. Evoxac is a lifesaver for me, no side effects at all and it increases saliva even better than the pilocarpine (for me).
I understand some people are nervous to try new medications, but my symptoms were so bad I had to do something. If someone told me 20 years ago that I would be on all of these meds, I would have called them insane. I hardly even took any Tylenol. But you do what you have to to have some sort of quality of life.

Do you use 5mg or 7.5 mg, I have been using 5mg 3 to 4 times a day and it seems to help, but my tongue is still dry as is my throat.

USAgurl said:

Just curious. My rheumy told me that a lot of patients don’t like the side effects of pilocarpine. Did that happen to you?

When I started the medication it seemed not to be working. Finally the doc incresed the dose to five times per day–no side effect–and it started working.

Connie said:

I know just how you feel. I did not have luck with Pilocarpine. Hoping to try Exovac.

Hope one of these will help you.

I've just started using Biotene gel; it seems to help make more saliva when I first take it, but doesn't last long for me. I like sparkling water instead of still too, it seems to coat my mouth more.