Sjogrens Syndrome Cause and recovery in ten simple steps by Hannah Yoseph, MD

I just recently found and started reading this book. Has anybody else read it and/or tried doing her 10 steps to actually stomp out their Sjogrens? I would like to hear any and all comments and concerns? Thank you.

My only concern with books like that is if they have substantiated research to confirm…..

I am thinking that if there were 10 simple steps to control Sjogren’s, there would be no need for a group like this. What does the author recommend?

Its about using a cleanse then diet to balance the acidity in the body, etc…..

I recently wrote a piece about my own auto-immune disease journey and this small paragraph equally applies to SS so I'm including it here:

This disease is researched worldwide, there are doctors, scientists and fellow sufferers the world over who network both on and off the internet; if there was a cure for SS or something which worked to relieve the symptoms, we'd ALL know about it!

About the akaline/acidity idea, here is webmd's weigh-in:

Thanks to all who replied. It actually makes some sense at least to me. The steps are a bit more complicated actually in my opinion so that is why I wanted to hear any input from people who have had SS much longer than I. I appreciate your input and am not sure if I will proceed trying some of this. Thanks again to all. I really believe in my heart that there must be some way to "fix" the balance in the body and help auto immune diseases, I am not a doctor and of course have no training whatsoever, but I just feel it must be possible if only someone could unlock the mystery. :-)

Hi Tokio, I absolutely agree that there are doors yet to be unlocked around our diet which will shed light on many auto-immune (and possibly other) diseases and things like obesity. I've recently been reading about the impact of our gut microbes on health and there is some very interesting research being done at the moment in both the UK and US (check out British Gut or American Gut) and a lot of it comes from studies of genetically identical twins where genes (therefore) cannot exclusively account for their different diseases and obesity issues.

I think reading extensively on anything which interests you is wise but I do always remind myself that anything which becomes proven medical fact will be widely reported and embraced by the medical profession as a whole and not just isolated practitioners.

Tokio said:

Thanks to all who replied. It actually makes some sense at least to me. The steps are a bit more complicated actually in my opinion so that is why I wanted to hear any input from people who have had SS much longer than I. I appreciate your input and am not sure if I will proceed trying some of this. Thanks again to all. I really believe in my heart that there must be some way to "fix" the balance in the body and help auto immune diseases, I am not a doctor and of course have no training whatsoever, but I just feel it must be possible if only someone could unlock the mystery. :-)

I agree with you and try to research and keep up to date on new research, etc.. Having said that, I know that most doctors automatically go with a prescription drug to treat most everything. It is scary to me some of these drugs cause you worse problems than you had in the first place. Don't get me wrong, I have taken medications and would in this case as well if my symptoms were such that I could not live my life well. I am just saying that prescriptions medications in many cases lead to more prescriptions, etc. Thank you again for your input and information, I really appreciate it.

Jules G said:

Hi Tokio, I absolutely agree that there are doors yet to be unlocked around our diet which will shed light on many auto-immune (and possibly other) diseases and things like obesity. I've recently been reading about the impact of our gut microbes on health and there is some very interesting research being done at the moment in both the UK and US (check out British Gut or American Gut) and a lot of it comes from studies of genetically identical twins where genes (therefore) cannot exclusively account for their different diseases and obesity issues.

I think reading extensively on anything which interests you is wise but I do always remind myself that anything which becomes proven medical fact will be widely reported and embraced by the medical profession as a whole and not just isolated practitioners.

Tokio said:

Thanks to all who replied. It actually makes some sense at least to me. The steps are a bit more complicated actually in my opinion so that is why I wanted to hear any input from people who have had SS much longer than I. I appreciate your input and am not sure if I will proceed trying some of this. Thanks again to all. I really believe in my heart that there must be some way to "fix" the balance in the body and help auto immune diseases, I am not a doctor and of course have no training whatsoever, but I just feel it must be possible if only someone could unlock the mystery. :-)

Again, I completely agree with you, each symptom/illness is taken and treated in isolation rather than there being a holistic umbrella approach. The best any of us can do is be as informed as possible and actively participate in our care ... we have to be that overseeing link in our care as we all know our own bodies well. But I will take evidence based medicine over untried and untested every day and I am a definite advocate of a healthy balanced diet.

Jules G said:

Again, I completely agree with you, each symptom/illness is taken and treated in isolation rather than there being a holistic umbrella approach. The best any of us can do is be as informed as possible and actively participate in our care ... we have to be that overseeing link in our care as we all know our own bodies well. But I will take evidence based medicine over untried and untested every day and I am a definite advocate of a healthy balanced diet.

Yep…I think I am very lucky in that I have doctors who do as much as they can naturally first, then add meds when necessary. Its a good balance.

I would talk to your doctors first before trying something new. I have never heard of this book, which certainly doesn’t mean it doesn’t have legit info. I don’t think you can “get rid” of Sjogren’s. In fact, it’s getting worse for me.

Acidity? We are talking about Sjogren’s? Acidity would be an appointment with a Gastroenterologist. Actually, I had my first ER visit for what was Esophagistis and Hiatal Hernia. The hiatal hernia and stomach issues were most likely caused by some of the prescriptions.

I just want to point out that this book is self-published, and from what I can see is not supported by solid research.

There’s that old saying, consider the source. My Sjogren’s is getting worse. On top of that, I have about 15 other issues - syndromes/symptoms. I am a “project” for all my doctors and I will be seeing two new specialists. Staying positive is not always easy.

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