
I've been dentally high-maintenance long before I was diagnosed with SS thanks to falling off the monkey bars when I was 8. In addition to the resulting two implants, I've also suffered from cavities since I was a child.

I've been using a Sonicare for at least 10 years, and all my dentists have recommended it. Whenever I travel and use a manual toothbrush, I actually find my gums to be more sore. I think a lot of people tend to brush their teeth too hard with a manual toothbrush. I find that the trick with the Sonicare is to hold it lightly with your fingertips, don't grip it. That way you can't apply too much pressure to your teeth or gums.

On top of brushing day and night, and sometimes during the day, if I remember, I floss every night, don't drink many sodas, swish and rinse with water after eating, wear a night-guard every night, and have dental cleanings every 3-4 months. It's a battle, but I'm determined to keep my teeth as long as I can.

Good luck!

I agree, SK!

Wow, I'm so amazed you remembered my pancreas, SK! Thank you for that. :) It's the same, but I've learned what it likes and what it does not like so I've been stable at 90 pounds for over 4 weeks now. Of course, that's a pitiful weight, but I'm just happy I don't weigh 80 and that the weight is no longer plummeting downward! If I drink my homemade thick rice milk every day, it seems to really help -- I think with SS, a lot of us get that protective mucousal layer in the digestive tract dried out so it's easy for it to get inflamed. The rice milk so soothing and healing in that way. Thanks so much for asking.

SK said:

BTW DLT, how's your pancreas, girlfriend?

Kaz, They use the paint on fluroride on kids that have many cavities in the U.S. but not on adults. I will check with my dentist and maybe she will let me try it. She gave me a script for the toothpaste but it makes me very sick. Maybe one treatment twice a year would really help. Thanks for the idea.

Kaz said:

Fluroride has its place, especially in prevention of cavities. I have a flouride mouthwash which the dentist advised me to use but not every day. I use it sometimes. However, if my teeth were weakened and in bad condition, I would probably use it more often. I would not use it however, if I had continual bleeding gums. I would seek a few medical opinions first.

I have my teeth professionally cleaned and checked every 6 months and I receive a fluoride treatment included. This is standard stuff here in Australia. They paint your teeth after your check and clean, and have washed your mouth out. Then they paint your teeth (it can feel gritty) and you are not supposed to eat or drink for 30 minutes. This is a fluoride treatment. I would assume this also would be standard practice in the US and UK as well??

As for plates with fluoride for night use. This should only be used if an oral specialist (or specialist dentist) has advised you to do it. It is not something one should just decide to do. It is generally only recommended if someones enamel has become so weakened and the benefits of using it outweight any possible risks. My dentist doesn't want me to use this, but one of my oral specialists does. So I currently stay in the middle with two treatments a year plus use mouthwash on and off. I will ask my other oral specialist next visit her thoughts on this as well, as she has never suggested it but her colleague has. So I will be keen to find out her opinion.