
I have a question about brushing your teeth. I've always been somewhat OCD when it comes to my teeth - brushing and flossing twice a day, using a sonic care toothbrush and a waterpik. Now, with SS, the molars on my lower left side are loose. They bleed frequently, and hurt when I chew. Are the sonic care brush and the waterpik too intense for these teeth? Should I stop using them? What has your experience been with the your dental hygeine?

Hi bigmama,

Sorry to hear you have such a time with your teeth. I certainly understand that, I have 7 left and all have exposed nerves, a few have deep pockets under them. I've had the loose ones too. It may be a good idea to call your dentist and talk to the DDS, or one of his hygenists. They should be able to answer that easily for you in a reasonable amount of time. No sense in me guessing, as I am not sure either.

Hope you get some answers and some relief very soon!

I bought a waterpik and was all proud of myself using it twice a day. However when I told my dentist about it , he was not so happy. He said that if you choose to use the water pic, the water MUST be held at a 90 degree angle to the teeth other wise it will damage the gums. and he said the toothbrush must be set to the lowest setting. AND even if you use the pic, you must still also floss your teeth. So the only time I use the water option now is if I ate something messy and gooey like a brownie.

I tried a water pik and tooth brush years ago and found that made things worst in my mouth so I went back to a regular tooth brush. I do use mouth rinse. I understand your issues. I hate teeth but am trying to keep them for as long as possible.

I have different opinions in the same dental office. The dentist does not like the waterpic for me because of all the caps and other devices in my mouth. The hygenist told me that I should use the waterpic with the picpocket attachment and the sonicare toothbrush twice daily with the addition of a regular soft toothbrush after lunch and dinner.

The result is very sore gums. Next week I have my cleaning and if I don't hit someone in the office will listen and see what ideas are forth coming this time.

My dentist told me not to use them. But all dentist are different in some of the care they give. I would call and talk to the dentist or staff and see what they say.

Our mouths are so effected by SS. I was told to use the softest toothbrush available. I brush and floss 2x a day. I have more crowns and veneers than my real teeth. If I had all the money I've spent on my teeth, I'd be living the high life.

I agree with SK. Your dentist should advise you on what is best for your situation.

Good luck!

Hi bigmamma,
I use a sonic care and floss and go to a periodontist 4 times a year.
That part about your molars being loose sounds to me that you clench or
grind your teeth during sleep. I have a night guard that I wear every night
because I clench my teeth when I am sleeping. So many unsettling situations
in my life coupled with FM and SS. I would ask your dentist to check out
the loose teeth situation. The teeth can easily fall out or the teeth can
break off from the root. Good luck.

I use the Dr. Tungs Ionic Toothbrush because I also am prone to damaging my gums. It's just hand-powered basically so you are in control of it -- nothing electric. It is very gentle but very effective if you keep one wet finger on the metal bar while you are brushing.

Something I learned a few years ago for my gums was COQ10.

It's supposed to be for heart but it also cured my bleeding gums and boy can I tell the difference when I run out.

I was told to take 400 mg. daily.

I get the NatureMade brand at Walgreens when it's buy one, get one. (I get $7 coupons off the $47 charge).

I gave up on the Water Pik, use a sonic brush, and floss *every* time I eat anything.

Teeth are still rotting away but it's more controlled now.

btw. I'm a big believer after accidentally experiencing it, in destination dentistry.

I was in Costa Rica when my teeth started falling out and received exquisite, compassionate dentistry

for less than a third of the money.

I use Glide floss, only one that doesn't cut my gums.

Thanks everyone! You have all given me a lot to think about. My dentist retired a couple of years ago. Guess it's time I got a new one!

My 80+ year old friend with SS was told to brush and floss daily, but to use the water pik on low several times a week as well . This plus cutting out sugar has helped her a lot. Maybe we are all different.

I’m only using the water pik once a week. Flossing and brushing are my main tools. And I’m avoiding sugar!!!

has anyone's dentist put on a fluoride varnish on their teeth? He said generally it's a treatment they use on children but he thought it may help me. Also I read somewhere (maybe here?) about a woman who wears a bite plate to keep from gritting her teeth....however she also sleeps with fluoride in the device at night. Is that a good idea? And how often should it be done. I know these are questions for my dentist so I will also ask him. Just wondered if there is any experience here that may help.

I do a fluoride treatment and brush with provident at night. Not sure if it helps since I have so many crowns already. I do worry about fluoride and using it. I have read health risks about it.

I have not heard of fluoride varnish for adults. Doesn't mean you can't do it. Sounds like a good idea. I have worn a night guard in the past. I am in the process of having a new one made. But, I've not heard about one with fluoride. I'm sure there are pros and cons for this.

I know I got disagreed with here about this, but I think it's ok to do a fluoride treatment by the dentist on occasion, but I would not do flouride every day. I've read too much about it. So anyone can go on-line and look up more about flouride like I did -- particularly the history of it.

I’m fine with folks not agreeing. I know for me, I often read materials, and naturally make the best decision I can for my particular issues and experiences. We are all so different. I greatly appreciate it that we can disagree and not have it be a big deal at all. I’ve been to other sites where people are weird about that. I think we have far too many things to worry about. Feeling better, getting ideas, some info. and having support are paramount. :slight_smile:

Well-said, Nomad!

Nomad said:

I'm fine with folks not agreeing. I know for me, I often read materials, and naturally make the best decision I can for my particular issues and experiences. We are all so different. I greatly appreciate it that we can disagree and not have it be a big deal at all. I've been to other sites where people are weird about that. I think we have far too many things to worry about. Feeling better, getting ideas, some info. and having support are paramount. :)

I concur, well said Nomad!

The thing is, you don't always get the professionals to agree, so it makes sense that there are times when we won't! What works for one, may not work at all for another!

Onwards and upwards!

BTW DLT, how's your pancreas, girlfriend?