
You have come to the right place!

This site is for people struggling with Sjogren's Syndrome, our goal is to connect you with others so you don't feel alone or don't want to overwhelm your family. Or as I put it VENT!!

Read others discussions, blogs and comments, start your own Discussion or Blog and give your input. Or, you can create your own Group, too! Everyone makes a difference! 

The Chat Room is open, just send a message to have someone meet you there, it's Live! Chat box is at bottom of main page (scroll down). You also have the option not be seen online by clicking the green button in bottom right corner.

This site is built for the patients, spouses, parents, siblings and friends. Please do not use of any vulgarity or hate and Please only add tasteful Photos, Have Fun! :)

*** Please keep content in English only, use the translate function on your computer (or Google Translator), all nationalities are welcome. Thanks!***

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