
I keep getting rounds of side effects of either a medication or one of my autoimmune diseases. Sjogren's, dry eyes and all, and I found out today that I have cataracts (both eyes). It's from long term prednisone medication.

For several months thought hat problems with my eyesight was due to my glasses. The other day I was driving on the freeway and couldn't see the signs. Oh my. Yikes, I was driving blind.

This time I'm not sad or stoic or depressed. I'm just plain angry. I know that when these cataracts are removed the outcome will be just great. But I still feel this way. I can't drive. I have an opthamologist consult. New lenses will be made for my eyes. Then I'll have surgery with one eye fixed. I still won't be able to drive until the other eye is fixed. I will be out of circulation for four months.

I even am sick of the way I feel. I don't know if anyone else has been through all this, but it sure interferes with my life.

I am sorry you are having to have the surgery. My eye doctor told me I would Have to have it by the time I was 50. Do you have someone that will be able to take you places or get things for you while you are recovering? I will agree my life is completly different now than it was a year ago. I look at the good side I can spend more time with my mom who is ill. I see my grandkids daily and can spend quality time with them. I have learded to slow down and enjoy life.

Dear USAgurl,

Hey girlfriend, its good to hear from you, but so sorry that this is being piled on you! I know that this is one of the SE of the pred, but that doesn't make it any easier to deal with.

I too hope that you have someone near and dear to you to help you get around and get through this.

I understand your frustration and anger, I have been through it and it no matter how much you try to look up, it's still there tugging you down. Just the Doctor visit demands are getting too much for me! It's the actual riding that just does me in.

Like purplebutterfly, I can also spend time with my mom, husband, and my grand kids, but it's a short list, and it gets shorter all of the time.

I'm still trying to recover from having house guests, and today we had SEVERE storms, I'm talking red on the radar with trees down everywhere, and it has really slammed me down, more of the same or worse tomorrow with Arthur expecting to hit the coast. We get tornado spin offs from those all of the time!

I got past the retina specialist, clearing me for Plaquinil, got past the eye test to renew my DL, but need to call the eye specialist for an appointment, and dreading that, just don't think it's going to be great news. I'm WAY overdue for the DDS, need to pick up script from Rheum, and need all other meds refilled by my GP, and don't have the fortitude for any of it at present!

It's hard work being sick!

I'm here for you! Sending some love your way,


That is scary. I have been on and off steroids for the past year and missed my last eye appt.i am so sorry you are experiencing this but want to thank you for scaring me enough to pick up the phone and reschedule that appt.

I'm so sorry to hear this. I recently went to an ophthalmologist at the insistence of an optometrist.....I was appalled to hear his diagnosis. I have glaucoma --and cataracts also. I asked him what I could expect in the future. ..and he said "glaucoma leads to blindness" I already have damage to the optic nerve and in that first appointment with him my eye pressures were so high he had to do laser surgery then and there.


I don't let my mind "go there" eyes have terrible vision but I can make do....but they just cant get any worse. My whole life is in my eyes. I know what you mean USAGirl. It does just make me feel like throwing something.

USAgurl, I am so sorry for your problems, actually I am sorry for anyone that suffers from SS. The deterioration of our health and the emotional and spirit draining is really a bummer!! It can feel that at every turn there are new diagnoses, new ailments and so it goes. I too have a cataract and my ophthalmologist is watching it closely but nothing as severe as your situation. I regretfully acknowledge that we are at the mercy of a mostly uneducated medical system, that actually adds to our ailments.

Did you know that in Japan they have shops in mall everywhere that allow you to throw plates, cups, saucers that have been donated and you can throw for up to an hour but they say you're pretty wiped out after 10 minutes. They encourage you to yell and scream when you throw. All that energy helps with depression, grieving, anger..... I read about this when my husband died and friends brought me their old dishes and I threw those darn things many times. The really interesting part of this process in Japan they encourage you to pick up the pieces and glue them onto whatever you want and use that to remind yourself that you have overcome your problems (at least for the day!) Try it everyone!

I love it Nana!!!!!

And for the record….I am scared to death of losing my eyesight too. It is one of the few thoughts that can keep me up at night.

Dear EnjoyLife

I am so glad you liked the idea! Don't let fear keep you awake. With this disease, no amount of worry will change a thing nor prevent new symptoms. I have a suggestion, why don't you learn basic sign language, which can be helpful EVEN IF you never lose your eyesight. Don't give in to SS, try to stay afloat instead!

I hear ya Nana. Funny thing is that I am a Mental Health Counselor and I work in a trauma related field. For the most part I am good at compartmentalizing but the eyesight creeps me out. You are quite right about worrying not changing a thing. I guess that's where faith takes over.

Speaking of doing positive things, I say an article yesterday about a new device that fits on your finger. It has a tiny camera and is enabled with a talk-to-text type component. It actually reads books for you. I would love that. And I did my undergrad with a young man who was blind. His laptop was equipped with software that talked to him so he had full access to what he needed as well. That was a lot of years ago and the way technology is progressing we will have lots of tools should it ever come to pass.

Cassi....I am glad you are picking up the phone to make the appointment. As wearing as seeing yet another doctor is, its very necessary. And not worth letting your condition get ahead of you. Its easier in the long run to stay on top of things we can.