Could Aloe Vera help with the 'dryness'?

I am not promoting this product, do not sell it, have never tried it, but here is some interesting info about it.

Allergic, we are back to the gut again, with digestion!

Has to be some kind of irritant in those, who could possible know what it might be. At least you found a tissue that you CAN use!

The aloe is something to think about anyway!

Yeah SK, everything leads back to the gut, it seems.

I can't believe you mentioning aloe vera today! I just talked to someone this morning that told me how to clean the plant and soak it overnight, then consume the jelly. I've used my plant for burns and cuts and I don't have any bad reaction, so maybe I could eat it. I have a friend who buy it at Sprouts Market and drinks it, helps her alot. She has fibro. But, as you found out plants can cause reactions in some people. Got to be careful. I might run it by my doctor first since I wouldn't want it to interfere with the supplements that he has me taking. Meantime, I have some soaking in glass of water overnight.

Slippery Elm is another healing plant. I used to mix up poultices with the powder and wrap my swollen elbows overnight. It took down the swelling dramatically. This is used for stomach ailments too.

I use Throat Coat tea when I have a cold with sore throat, it has slippery elm in it, works good for me.

Tez, Who knows what those tissues really have in them. Aloe? or some pseudo aloe chemical. I can't use those tissues either, irritates my skin.

Tez_20 said:


Aloe vera is surposed to be good for helping Lupus patients in many ways and also there stomach by making your system behave properly.

Symptoms in which it also helps we

Susan what i can't understand is my nose carries dead skin from the DLE/Raynauds plus my nose runs alot with my sinus's and i can only use packet tissues but if i blow my nose with one of those with Aloe vera in my nose itches and breaks out sore...weird or what.

My favorite subject! The gut.

SK said:

Allergic, we are back to the gut again, with digestion!

Thanks for posting the video about aloe vera, Terri. It sure sounds like it has many benefits.

I had some today. No bad reaction. I still want to ask my doctor about that and also about using coconut oil while on candida protocol.

I agree. I always ask alot of questions at the doctor's office. I'm sure it drives him nuts sometimes, but, hey, that's what he gets paid for.

Good for you. There's no law against firing your doctor. :")

Oh yes. I believe that is what keeps being proposed here in US. They get you coming and going no matter what. Can't win. I hear pros and cons about it. I want to hurry and get better before the availability of medical care gets worse here.

They seem to always want to dye the Aloe tissues green, could even be the dye. Look at the UTI's that were caused by scented, colored toliet paper, scented tampons also caused many serious problems!

I have gotten away from all of the chemical scents that I can, even hate the lavender scented stuff from the health food store, that really sets me off, and I am not really an overly allergic one!

You are fortunate to have all of those aloe plants around you in the dessert to harvest!

Even the white toilet tissue has been processed and has chemical in it that can be an irritant. I use it without a problem but colored paper is not a good sign. Same for disposable baby diapers. Women are now using more cloth again due to bad allergic reactions.

I'm with you SK, no scents. One of the worst is the fake cinammon pot pouri that they put out around holloween and thanksgiving, and the scented brooms. They just kill me.

I have one aloe plant in a pot near my front door. I need to get more or take the babies from it and start more if I'm going to be eating it. :') Maybe you can grow it indoors, says you can

Well, my dream bathroom would have a bidet in it with an auto dry element to it. Some day I might get one. Does it mean you have OCD if you want to wash after using the bathroom?? If so, I must have OCD. lol

Tez_20 said:

Well in this case ladies it's back to the old news paper

Today you just don't know really what anything contains anymore abnd i could'nt go to using cloth the thought makes me feeling dirty having the OCD.

I would like one too, Allergic! I don't have OCD, I'm just NUTS! LOL!

You are NOT nuts SK! You're alot of fun. Why do you think your grandkids want to come see you all the time?

SK said:

I would like one too, Allergic! I don't have OCD, I'm just NUTS! LOL!

Terri, When I was in Europe years ago, I noticed that bidets were all over the place. Is it like that in the UK?

Tez_20 said:

Susan stop putting yourself

I had my dream bathroom done before xmas last yesr thank goodness, ste tiled it all for me and i was pleased with the outcome YES. lol

I tell you something OCD is a pain in the BUTT mentally drives you mad.

I'm sure everyone in my family has a tad bit of OCD. I might, since I use to remove my diaper after poo poo, when I was a toddler, and place it neatly in the corner. I would then proceed to run naked outside playing. I remember not wanting it on me, had to take it off, dirty. The neighbors used to call my mom and tell her. :')

Tez_20 said:

Allergic my OCD must have started from a kid because i used to love cleaning and having things tidy and over the years it's become a made obsession and the bipolar as caused it i've asked for help but they can't help me, everything as to be clean in the bathroom and i'm always washing my hands and it's got now if i touch anything my hands feel grimmey, when i leave the pc i wash my hands it's a rotten life and ste can't breath for me now.

Allergic said:

Well, my dream bathroom would have a bidet in it with an auto dry element to it. Some day I might get one. Does it mean you have OCD if you want to wash after using the bathroom?? If so, I must have OCD. lol

Tez_20 said:

Well in this case ladies it's back to the old news paper

Today you just don't know really what anything contains anymore abnd i could'nt go to using cloth the thought makes me feeling dirty having the OCD.

Yes, I'm still the same about being extra clean, only now I don't wear a diaper, and I don't run naked in the streets! lol

Tez_20 said:

Sounds to me at that age you was carrying it to feel like that as a baby besides thinking it was you have them ways now because not everyone as it...some people can live dirty and it never bothers them.

Allergic said:

I'm sure everyone in my family has a tad bit of OCD. I might, since I use to remove my diaper after poo poo, when I was a toddler, and place it neatly in the corner. I would then proceed to run naked outside playing. I remember not wanting it on me, had to take it off, dirty. The neighbors used to call my mom and tell her. :')

Tez_20 said:

Allergic my OCD must have started from a kid because i used to love cleaning and having things tidy and over the years it's become a made obsession and the bipolar as caused it i've asked for help but they can't help me, everything as to be clean in the bathroom and i'm always washing my hands and it's got now if i touch anything my hands feel grimmey, when i leave the pc i wash my hands it's a rotten life and ste can't breath for me now.

Allergic said:

Well, my dream bathroom would have a bidet in it with an auto dry element to it. Some day I might get one. Does it mean you have OCD if you want to wash after using the bathroom?? If so, I must have OCD. lol

Tez_20 said:

Well in this case ladies it's back to the old news paper

Today you just don't know really what anything contains anymore abnd i could'nt go to using cloth the thought makes me feeling dirty having the OCD.

Thanks goodness for screaming!

Alright you 2, for the last time, IAM NUTS, the good kind of nuts! The kind that makes you laugh! That is why the kids want to come!

My house is clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be happy, now that said, we are getting closer to the one side of the house to have the roof torn off, the walls and ceilings to be ripped off, that is when I will go into the bad kind of NUTS!

My one granddaughter is coming after school (she is the one who wants to be either a nurse of DR, will have about 25 college credits by the time she graduates HS in June), is coming to help us unload the rooms tomorrow. She is an absolute neat freak! So glad to get some help!