Facebook page for Sjogren's

I don't know how many of you are on Facebook, but I'm following a Sjogren's page that has good articles, and sometimes funny posts. If you're interested in it, here is the link.


I forgot to mention, that if anyone wants to add me, I welcome you too.

Stacie Spilman (one L in last name) only one there is. =)

Thanks Fascina! I'll have a look! I usually only use FB to see the latest pics of the grand kids, I spend all of my computer time here on BF!

BTW, I'm always open to new ideas to make our group a better one! Thanks!

Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation has a FB page too. They do "Tip Tuesday" with a very cool/informative post. You all may want to check that out too.

I'm glad you like the page, Fascina, because it is a Ben's Friends page and an adjunct to this group. :)

It's related to this?! How cool. Will def support it! Thanks for the heads up