Healing after tooth extraction?

Howdy everyone. I had three tooth extractions on Tuesday (my first since diagnosis) and I noticed that it seems to be taking longer to heal and more painful than before SS.(I have one implant, about 7 years ago, still in good shape.) What are your experiences?

I had dental work a year before diagnosis and every tooth he drilled died in one year. I had some implants healing was a slow process. I had a small bridge in the back that just fell out too. Now that I’ve been diagnosed for so long I don’t believe implants would heal correctly.
Dental has been a rough road for me.

Kinda curious too…. I had a root canal and crown lengthening about 6 mons ago. I am wondering how it is going to hold because that spot has never felt the same. it doesn't hurt but it never went back to feeling totally normal either.

I didn't show any Sicca symptoms until after having two teeth removed, literally over night I lost my saliva. It took weeks for my gum to heal and was really painfull. On a plus side this lead to a quick diagnoses of SS, with positive lip biopsy and bloods.

Wow! That’s extreme. How have you been managing since?

Bones said:

I didn’t show any Sicca symptoms until after having two teeth removed, literally over night I lost my saliva. It took weeks for my gum to heal and was really painfull. On a plus side this lead to a quick diagnoses of SS, with positive lip biopsy and bloods.

I was just diagnosed with SS last month. I've been having problems with extremely dry eyes off and on for the past 8 years, about the same time I was diagnosed with Adie's Tonic Pupil (one pupil dilates larger than the other the majority of the time). I started having dental issues 3 years ago, with a root canal and crown last year, followed by another crown breaking apart, and a molar breaking 2 months later. Since I'm also dealing with acid reflux at night, the erosion has damaged my teeth. Currently, I'm having three teeth crowned in the front and will proceed with crowning the remaining that have erosion damage. The root canal that I had done was difficult due to calcification problems, so I requested a round of antibiotics last March as a precautionary, and had my bite adjusted; since then it feels okay.

I don't know how long I've had SS, but I suspect it goes back at least 20 years when I was diagnosed with arthritis in my knees and shoulders in my 30's. Also in my 30's, I stopped wearing lipstick because my lips were always dry and sensitive; I thought I developed an allergy to the chemicals. The only thing I can use on my lips are moisturizing balms, using glosses only on special occasions.

I went to my primary and requested being tested for SS after connecting all of the dots. My first appointment with the rheumy is in a couple of weeks.

Oh, I drifted off topic, the molar that broke was crowned a month ago and the gum tissue is still inflamed, so yes, it is definitely healing slower than normal.

That was almost 2 1/2 years ago, I was on pilocarpine for 6 months but it did not help, I would get a sudden rush of saliva for a couple of minutes then nothing, so there was no point taking it. I was also on Plaquenil for 3 months but the negatives of taking this out weighed the positives. So to cut a long story short I take nothing. Since then I have had chronic gastrointestinal problems, with led to a colostomy for 5 months. Since having this reversed I have had ongoing chronic abdo pain and bowel problems, I take Gabapentin and have just started on Asacol. The gabapentin helps with the muscle and nerve pain. I think I have finally got my Gastro Surgeon to realise that the Sjogrens and Gastro problems are linked. I tested positive for connective Tissue disease right back in the beginning. I have asked for a permanent Illeostomy, I am waiting for a colonoscopy to see if I have Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis. So all in all the last couple of years have been absolute shit, at times the only thing keeping me going is my Girls.

Stoney said:

Wow! That's extreme. How have you been managing since?

Bones said:

I didn't show any Sicca symptoms until after having two teeth removed, literally over night I lost my saliva. It took weeks for my gum to heal and was really painfull. On a plus side this lead to a quick diagnoses of SS, with positive lip biopsy and bloods.

As far as the Pilocarpine goes, most rheumatologists prescribe 5 mg. three times a day. When i told my new rheumatologist that taking 5 mg three times daily was not helping, she bumped it up to 7.5 mg. three times a day. I've definitely noticed a difference with the larger dose. I did not even know they made a stronger dose until she prescribed it.

Tried lots of different doses in both oral and nasal spray, nothing gave any lasting relief. The body can only handle so much at one time and everybody's tolerance level is different, mine was 5 mg.

From my experience, the whole AI thing does make us slower to heal. The immunosuppressant we take to keep us from fighting our own bodies makes us more susceptible to catching the flu or whatever bug is going around. So it seems to me it would also make our bodies react slower to healing what needs healing. It takes me so much longer to recover from anything, and if an antibiotic is involved, its like a complete wipeout of energy. I had my gallbladder out 2.5 months ago and while I do feel better most days, I am still so tired. My incision's healed fine and are just purple scars, but my body is still exhausted. I've always heard it takes longer for a diabetic to heal and I think its the same for all of us with AI diseases. Most of us found out we were sick because we were so sick and then we start suppressing our immune systems to try and stay healthy, but the downside is recovery is hindered. And it's so frustrating.

Hi Critter Mama, I don't take any immunosuppressant, I also have a flu injection each year and for the last few years it has helped immensely. Prior to having the flu jab, I would get so sick I would end up with Pleurisy and have to take steroids. I highly recommend having the flu injection.