Was wondering what other people us for Oral Thrush? I have used Nystatin and about one week after the prescription is finished the Thrush comes back. I'm so sick of it! My mouth burns constantly and since I've had it for about 6 months I feel I'm lousing my sense of taste.
Hi Lady Deda,
I like these, take them daily, and for me they seem to keep the thrush away. I do know of some members who have had to use more drastic measures, such as alternative Doctors, and special diets for Candida yeast.
Hope this is helpful.
I am on fluconazole again. 1 tab of 5 mg a day. I usually need to be on it 4 weeks.I don’t eat candy and very little sugar. I have pretty much cut out desserts and I even get in trouble with bread and some cheeses. Brush your teeth THOROUGHLY twice a day. I brush, floss, use Gum sticks, scrape my tongue and then brush again with my electrict toothbrush. If you eat in between rinse your mouth out with lots of water. Check out my profile for more about what I use. Just know I wrote it awhile ago. I also have a prescription from my dentist for a special rinse. There is a lot of good info at Sjogren’s Foundation online. And their Sjogren’s Book is great. Check your library, they might have it. I got my own and am frequently referring to it. I have 4 humidifiers going 24/7. At least get one in your bedroom. I got Vornado ones from Costco. And drink lots of water. My lips really get dry and burn (as does my mouth) when I have thrush. I use pure lanolin… what nursing moms sometimes need. The brand is Lanisol available at big drug chains and Walmart …also online.
I know how bad it can be. Sometimes I have thrush and canker sores at the same time. I am hoping to see my PC doc tomorrow; this is a bad flare-up. Hang in there! I hope something here helps you. Try to get enough rest & take good care of yourself!
First Muv, you always have such good advice! Thanks! It's always good to hear from you!
Hi again, Lady Deda,
I just read your profile. We have a lot in common. I am also 69 (70 Sunday) and my ‘grands’ really are special to me. And I also have strong faith in Christ. I’ll say a special prayer for you.
EMM (FirstMuv)
Thanks, SK! As you might have guessed this is one of those nights when I’m NOT asleep like I should be! …So I’m signing off. Hugs all around!!!
Lady Deda,
When I have a full blown fungal infection I take Diflucan (aka Fluconazole). This is a pill and it's systemic so it works on the whole body. I take 100 to 150 mg daily for 2 weeks.
Prevention: I'm really big on preventing or significantly reducing severity of thrush. Every day I rinse with Chlorhexidine Gluconate Oral Rinse 0.12%. This mouth wash has alcohol, so I always brush my teeth after using it to prevent more dryness. I know it sounds strange to use a mouthwash with alcohol, but it does kill fungus!
I also use Nystatin in cream form on my lips daily.
Between the two I've been able to stop the cycle of treatments then days of no thrush followed by another breakout. I understand how frustrated you must be. I had a few Drs. tell me I might just have to live with thrush for ever. This was just not acceptable. Thank god for my dentist as he's the one who gave the meds for prevention!
Hope you can get a more long term treatment!!!
I too avoid sugar totally and that is hard if you read the labels in the grocery stores; it is added to everything. Also foods that break down in to sugar, crops grown underground. My tongue is always so white but purple on the sides with ulcers all underneath and is two to three times the size it should be, making it painful to speak.
I am curious about the lanolin, I have never heard of this. My MD has never given me any medication for thrush because I already am on 17 prescriptions and constantly complain about it, always wanting to find natural treatments. She told me to put a punctured Vit E cap in water and swish in my mouth. I may try it as it sounds yucky but am so sick of this terrible tongue pain.
FirstMuv said:
I am on fluconazole again. 1 tab of 5 mg a day. I usually need to be on it 4 weeks.I don't eat candy and very little sugar. I have pretty much cut out desserts and I even get in trouble with bread and some cheeses. Brush your teeth THOROUGHLY twice a day. I brush, floss, use Gum sticks, scrape my tongue and then brush again with my electrict toothbrush. If you eat in between rinse your mouth out with lots of water. Check out my profile for more about what I use. Just know I wrote it awhile ago. I also have a prescription from my dentist for a special rinse. There is a lot of good info at Sjogren's Foundation online. And their Sjogren's Book is great. Check your library, they might have it. I got my own and am frequently referring to it. I have 4 humidifiers going 24/7. At least get one in your bedroom. I got Vornado ones from Costco. And drink lots of water. My lips really get dry and burn (as does my mouth) when I have thrush. I use pure lanolin... what nursing moms sometimes need. The brand is Lanisol available at big drug chains and Walmart ...also online.
I know how bad it can be. Sometimes I have thrush and canker sores at the same time. I am hoping to see my PC doc tomorrow; this is a bad flare-up. Hang in there! I hope something here helps you. Try to get enough rest & take good care of yourself!
Well, the last time I had thrush, I had to go totally sugar and carb free for a while, start the Nystatin, eat Greek yogurt (unsweetened or sweetened with faux sweetener) and take acidophilus pills all while taking the Nystatin and then for a while afterward. That did it.
Thanks you guys. You all have been so helpful. I'm so glad I found this site - it's been a Godsend. Thanks to Josh I'll try out the Chlorhexidine Gluconate Oral rinse. Thanks to Firstmuv, I'll ask my doc for Fluconazole, thanks to SK for the Pearls-YB yeast Balancing Probiotics idea and thanks to AUjewel for the no sugar idea. I don't know about that one. :O( Thanks to all!!
Yeah, no sugar is NO fun.
I am so sorry for your lengthy suffering, that leaves a bad taste in your moth (HaHaHa) Sure sounds like the prescription isn't getting the real "root" of the problem. Are you taking other meds that list thrush as a side effect? If so, as soon as Nystatin is stopped the other meds kick in and starts the process all over again. When I developed terrible yeast infections (15 yrs ago) they made me take meds for one full year....and that worked. You need to be very straight forward, speaking firmly that your situation is becoming life altering and you need the Doctor to develop a more aggressive treatment plan for you.
I agree with you that medications can cause thrush especially if you already have dry mouth like we do. I have to use Advar for my lungs. I have to gargle afterwords to get rid of the extra powder in my mouth and throat. But even with that I will have cronic thrush unless I treat it daily.
My Dr.'s would not let me take the systemic (1 pill daily) medication long term. They said the pills have some bad side effects if used long term. I can't imagine using the liquid Nystatin 4 times a day for a year. That must have been difficult.
I prefer the mouth wash and Nystatin cream (for lips) I mentioned in my previous post.
There is some very good info here so far, hopefully this will benefit you, Lady DeDa!
There is also oil of oregano, this is commonly used for fungal infections that seem to flourish in desert climates, 'desert fever', but please check with your Doctor, to make sure that this will NOT interfere with your regular meds. Though I value the info and purity of this company, it may be better to try to find a product of this purity in a gel cap, as this is very STRONG, and will most likely burn your mouth until it is better under control, you may want to start with a gel cap.
I have heard of gentian violet for nursing mothers and babies with this. You could ask at a local, natural food and supplement shop. Candida feeds on sugar. There is sugar in nearly everything we eat. My hubby is doing a candida diet right now. This might help you as well.
Nana times 10, Yes, I am taking another medication that could cause continued Thrush problems. It is Nasalcort, but I try to rinse my mouth or gargle right after taking it. Without it my allergies are awful - so I'm hoping I don't have to stop taking it.
Lady Deda,
I agree the thrush seems to come back after finishing the Nystatin. And my mouth has been burning for 3 years now. Sometimes I think this will never end! Chocolate, sugar, and cinnamon used to be my triggers for the burning but now it is constant. My sense of taste has gotten worse. Two weeks ago I developed an area in the middle of my tongue. The oral surgeon says it is median rhomboid glossitis. Fortunately it doesn't hurt and is benign but it is one more thing.. think I'll try the Chlorhexadine.