Welcome to the community, Georgia!

Hi there @ghemperly and welcome to the Sjogren’s Syndrome patient support group! I’m Julie, an intern with Ben’s Friends. I’m glad you were able to find us so we can all get connected. With a rare disease such as Sjogren’s Syndrome, it’s quite difficult to find other people who can relate to your unique experiences.

It can also be a bit intimidating to start a new conversation in a new community, but we would all love to hear what you have to say about your experience, and if you have any updates about yourself or questions about the condition.

I saw on your profile that you’re looking for a group of people who could say something about clean eating in relation to Sjogren’s, and while I personally can’t say much, you could definitely start a conversation (or check out past discussions) at our complementary therapies category.

Otherwise, we would love to hear more about you – how have you been doing these past few days? If there is anything you need assistance with regarding the website, the moderators(and any other member with a shield next to their name) and I would be happy to help. Just send us a quick message and we’ll see how we can make things easy for you to get started with us.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and hope that you’ll find this group helpful to find others you can connect with!