Best eye drops?

Hi all!
I’m new here and was wondering what the best over the counter eye drops are ? Or other supplements that help ? Dry eye is my most severe issue and really need something that works . Thank you in advance !

I don’t use eye drops other than restasis. Everything that I’ve tried was irritating. At night I use a night time gel. I also have my lower and upper tear ducts plugged. And I use a warm compress daily. I think that covers it.

Stoney said:

I don't use eye drops other than restasis. Everything that I've tried was irritating. At night I use a night time gel. I also have my lower and upper tear ducts plugged. And I use a warm compress daily. I think that covers it.

I also use restasis but in addition I am supposed to use Systane Gel Drops which help for a little while. I just hate putting that thick stuff in my eyes. Very annoying.

That tip about the PLUGS is a really good one.

It didn't solve the problem by any means but it sure helped.

I gave up on drops and hate the gels to make my vision fuzzy.

I prefer to bathe them through the day w/ an eye wash and eye cup.

I have tried many, and Systane seems the best, but is only a short temporary fix.

Can you share what eye wash you use. This might be helpful at work, as the drops don't last long at all. On the computer all day audit's so painful!

Andreajd said:

That tip about the PLUGS is a really good one.

It didn't solve the problem by any means but it sure helped.

I gave up on drops and hate the gels to make my vision fuzzy.

I prefer to bathe them through the day w/ an eye wash and eye cup.

Hi! I also have severe dry eyes , have been using Restasis for years and artificial tears in between doses of Restasis. I use Restasis 4x’s/day. You may want to ask about autologous drops, they are a prescription eye drops made from your own serum. You can Google that or one of the brand names is Novo Tears. My Ophthalmologist highly recommended them, so I am going to give them a try. I do like the idea that Andreajd had about the eye wash and cup, I’m going to see how that works!

Thank you all so much ! How is the tear drop plugging process ?

Hi I’m Joy. I use the sustane balance. It helps a little. I use the drops many times (15) during the day. I’ve been on Restasis for 4 years and I have plugs in the tear ducts. I also use warm compresses because my eyes hurt sadly that’s about it .

My biggest problem in addition to the dryness is extreme sensitivity to all light . Even sunglasses don’t help. Is anyone having the same problem.

Hi, Jenna,

I use Systane in vials which contain non preservatives. I think the eyedrops in bottles might aggravate



I take omega 3 and omega 7 supplements and they have helped enormously.

Mom uses Genteal OTC during the day and a prescription from the opthemologist for latanoprost at night.

Hi Jenna,

I use Refresh lubricant drops, or Systane. My eye doc recommended fish oil. I'm now taking 1000mg daily. For me, although my eyes are dry and bother me occasionally, I struggle with dry mouth more.

Good luck!

Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation had sent out samples of TheraTears awhile ago. I love them for day time. Night or really bad days I'll use the Celluvisc version of them. Its a little thicker but not a gel. I have other eye issues so I use Muro128 on occassion....I can say the night gels with mineral oil are good. Oh! And try Occuscrub also. It keeps the ducts from getting clogged. I use them before I put drops in my eyes and I've seen a difference there too.

My opthamologist just advised me today that plugs would be the best choice for my dry, itchy eyes. I would like to hear from those who have gotten plugs.

I use Systane which I buy at WalMart. It works the best for me. I have found that it is best to use a brand and DOES NOT have any preservatives. They irritate my eyes and I use the drops frequently.

I started out with plugs in just my bottom ducts. It did almost nothing for me, but also gave me no troubles. So my eye doctor proceeded to put plugs in the upper ducts. I’ve had them for about two years now. My tear quality is very poor, so my eyes are still dry, but it is much better.

My only complaint (?) is that my eyes run. But considering my relative comfort, I’m willing to live with it.

Sunshine said:

My opthamologist just advised me today that plugs would be the best choice for my dry, itchy eyes. I would like to hear from those who have gotten plugs.

I use pilocarpine pills I get from my Rheumy. Restasis I get from my eye DR and I like any gel eye drops and then at night before I go to sleep I use refresh pm. ointment. every once in a while I use eye drops like refresh tears or any decent ones and I drown my eyes before I use the gel and it helps! I had surgery a cpl weeks ago and my eye's dried up as my eye DR said. It was awful! scratched my eyes all up and I had to use the ointment which blinds you for a while and keep my eyes closed as much as possible for a few weeks.