Best Neuropathy treatment

I just came off Lyrica after having a severe reaction. I am already suffering burning and pain in my feet which make it hard to get comfortable in bed. It drives me crazy to have my feet against the sheet. During the day I wear my Birkis and can tolerate the burning but I am looking for alternative solutions for pain relief. I am resistant to going back on another unsafe med and Tylenol offers no relief.

What do you do to find relief?

Hi Cassi,

That sounds like some strong nerve pain, so I am not familiar with anything other than AMA meds that will handle that degree of discomfort. Acupuncture may help, just realize that you will most likely have to go 3 times a week for relief.

Gabapentin, Tramadol, and Toradol, are the only other meds that I know of for nerve pain. Toradol only used in short bursts rather than as a maintenance drug.

I still use Lyrica. Hope you can find some relief soon!

Cassi, did your Dr recommend anything to replace the Lyrica?

You can try capsaicin cream. I believe it’s OTC

Just be careful with capsaisin, if you do not get it all off your hands, and need to use the bathroom, wiping can be a moment to remember!

I think some of the prescription creams actually come with a plastic applicator to keep it off your hands, they may be available for purchase if you decide to try this! It just may help!

I also can not take lyrica do to reactions. I have used pillows to keep the top sheet of my feet and it helps some.

I keep forgetting to write a shopping list and my last 2 trips to the drugstore I bought everything but the capsaisin. Thanks for the tip in taking care when using it. I toldher I was not ready for another rx because I was still suffering symptoms from the drug reaction. I want to be absolutely sure if I am having a reaction to a new drug that I am not confusing it with residual symptoms of the drug reaction. Hope this makes sense.

I did try elevating my feet so they were off the sheet but I toss most of the night due to pain. I am going to buy diabetic socks to see if it helps and will go back to using b complex to see if it helps. I don’t see my rheum until August and want to find a way to cope until then.

Just wondering though. The pain during the day is hardly noticeable but by evening it seems to start acting up. Is this normal or could it be because I am more distracted by day?

You might try the Sketcher Ultra (I think...don't have them on at the moment) with the thick memory foam. Very nice for the lower back, too. For pain relief, though not for feet but for face, I use Tramadol.

Before going to bed I stand in ice cold water in the bathtub for several minutes.
Also, I have found Topricin to be effective. It is a homeopathic cream, available at Walmart and online. It is a bit expensive (over $15 for 4 oz.). “Patented for Neuropathy”

I use acupuncture VERY successfully.

There is a college near by where I get a student discount.

It's now only confined to three fingers of my right hand after two months of treatment..

I have had some success with pain using Topricin cream, doctor says bottle that says for feet best. at beginning used it 5 x a day now, maybe once on hands and occasionally feet.

I used Neuropathy Support Formula only found on line for 4 months, they swear it works, and i think i does.

Feel better. Sabra

Thanks everyone for your suggestions. Lucky to have this group.

Cassi, The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) encourages us to report side effects of meds to them, here is the link if you would like to do so

I had fairly bad neuropathy in both feet. I started using OTC Kerasal Neuro Cream. Over time, my right foot stopped hurting completely!!! My left foot still hurts, but I have multiple problems with my left foot. Kerasal makes many products; only the NeuroCream works. I put it on the bottom of my foot up to 4x a day + it comes with an easy to apply applicator. I have severe facial nerve pain and use a compounded cream for that and it has helped a lot! Hope you find something to help.

I'm glad to hear that you have found some significant relief, Nomad!

I purchase Frankincense & Myrrh Neuropathy oils from I have issues with my feet & this product has helped me SO very much!! I started using it as often as needed & now I am basically using it every night before bed & the product is less than $20. Please give it a try!