Burning feet at night

Does anyone suffer from burning feet at bedtime? This started for me a couple of weeks ago and I feel like I'm going nuts! (Not a far leap, ha ha!) This has several times literally kept me awake the entire night. I don't suffer the time change well, so that doesn't help any either. I am so exhausted I can't see straight. I have been in the worst mouth flare for over 6 months. My inner cheeks and tongue are one big gaping wound. I recently described it as lemon juice and salt in a paper cut ALL THE TIME. I can't eat anything that isn't mush.

Anyway, back to the burning feet. After some research I found that it can be associated with Rheumatoid arthritis, among other things including B12 deficiency. I started a couple of months ago taking B12 and recently started probiotics. (The combination of the two has done wonders for my mouth in just the last few days.) So I don't think that B12 is the issue.

Does anyone else have this problem with their feet? And please, for the love of God, tell me how to make it go away!!! ( I beg of you at 3:20am!)

Missed chatting with everyone! In spite of my pain and dryness and any other damn flare I might be having, we did a major remodel on 4 rooms of our house. As a (former) interior designer it was hard to sit and not participate. But my mid-century modern vision came to life so it was all worth it!

Neuropathy isn't unusual. A deficiency can be the issue, but it can also be due to the Sjogren's, or to other causes. You'll need to have a workup.

I had it for the first time really bad in the fall, and had a work up. I was tentatively diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy. It's still there, but not currently as active, so it's more manageable. Once you have a cause, then you can figure out what treatment is good. If it's due to disease, there are medications that can help manage nerve pain.

Hi Lovey,

I get this in my finger tips sometimes, just feels like they're on fire. I asked my Internist if it could be Rayanud's, he replied not in the summertime. They get bright red and swollen, luckily it does not happen often.

I know that the numbness I get in my hands and outer fingers is directly connected to collapsed discs and spinal stenosis in the neck.

I would certainly talk to your Doctor, but here is what the Mayo clinic says in the meantime.


I hope you get some solid answers soon, hope that your house is put back together, we went through the upstairs being totally redone, and I thought we would lose our minds before it was complete!

BTW, how are the aqua stone humidifiers working for you?

Take good care,


Sometimes I get the burning feet too. What I mean is that the feet get really hot!
It goes away though. Once a while I get it. I just leave my feet out of the blankets
and I am okay.


Yep. It's common with sjogrens. I suffer with burning feet and sometimes in the morning they hurt to walk on. Sometimes toes are a little numb....good times.

So, I put lots of lotion on at night and I found that a type of aloe vera cooling lotion (for sunburns) is helpful. You may also get prescribed gabapentin. That's helpful, however I can only take it at night as it gets me a little drowsy.

Hope that helps. Hang in there and try to keep a positive attitude. I also find if I keep moving, go for a walk...it gets my mind off of it.


I use a prescription cream, Voltaren, rub it on well then put tight socks on. It really works well. Hate the mornings when I can’t walk. Sorry you are going through this. Hope it gets better for you.

I also have neuropathy in my toes but I don't have the burning like you do, just numbness. My podiatrists put me on prescription medicine called Metanx. It is a combination of vitamins plus other items. Look it up on the internet. Anyway, my symptoms has improved, not gone away all together, but improved which gives me hope.

My insurance won't pay for it but I feel the price is worth it. Maybe you would run the option past your doctor and see what he says.

Hope you find some relief soon. I'm sure there are other options as well. A good podiatrist could give you treatment options.

Neurontin (or Gabapinton -spelling?) may be what you need. I have neuropathy and I take 2 at breakfast and 2 at bedtime with food. It took awhile for the benefit to take effect but I depend on it now. Tell your doctor and see what he or she suggests.. Good luck with the burning feet solution. You need quality sleep time.

SK said:

Hi Lovey,

I get this in my finger tips sometimes, just feels like they're on fire. I asked my Internist if it could be Rayanud's, he replied not in the summertime. They get bright red and swollen, luckily it does not happen often.

I know that the numbness I get in my hands and outer fingers is directly connected to collapsed discs and spinal stenosis in the neck.

I would certainly talk to your Doctor, but here is what the Mayo clinic says in the meantime.


I hope you get some solid answers soon, hope that your house is put back together, we went through the upstairs being totally redone, and I thought we would lose our minds before it was complete!

BTW, how are the aqua stone humidifiers working for you?

Take good care,


Thanks for all the (no pun intended)warm wishes from everyone! Aaaaahhhhhh, the Aqua stones. What a complete waste of money, though they are darling little accessories on my bookshelf. And me, with my dimensions ability, paying no attention to the sizes of these things...I should have just reclosed the box and shipped them right back! One was the size of a baseball, the other a softball. But in my desperation for moisture I kept them. That's $25. I could have spent on cooler accessories!

I hadn't heard of the burning extremities before, and frankly I was afraid I was going to hear exactly what I did. Sticking my feet out of the covers didn't help, I'm already taking Gabapentin twice a day, and creams seem to make them even hotter. Hadn't thought of an aloe type application and I'm MORE than willing to give that a try. The burning keeps me up all night sometimes so a walk might be a great idea...not like it's going to keep me awake! Last night I had no burning and I slept 11 1/2 hours and now I am the living, breathing poster child for brain fog. Whew...can't win for losing! I had read the Mayo report a few days ago and its a good article. I had also read about it being caused by heavy metal poisoning. I raised an eyebrow at my husband, and asked if he was slipping me some arsenic in my morning coffee, especially after the remodel. He said no, if he'd any he probably would have taken it himself when we started!!! And on that note I bid you all a good day with many thanks!

Hi, I have been dealing with burning feet for a long time. I finally got a diagnosis of Small Fiber Neuropathy 2 years ago. I have been taking Gabapentin 300 mg 3x a day since then. Recently the pain has increased so my Rheumy is slowly increasing my dose to 400 mg 3x a day. I'll see how it goes.

I try to keep a positive attitude. Living with Sjogren's and all its challenges gets to me, but it could be worse.

I could be stuck in a world without Moose Tracks Ice Cream!

LOL re ice cream! Love your sense of humor

I have had this for over a year now. I am on 1800 mg of gabapentin and it still doesn’t help. The only thing that works is putting biofreeze on them and leaving them hang out of covers to stay cool.

Well that's a drag, Lovie! I had high hopes for these aqua stones! Here they would just be something the grandkids would want to bounce around and see what they could break! As dry as we get, we would probably need half a dozen the size of medicine balls! ha!

At one point I had those little water fountains around the house, but even if you put a couple drops of bleach in the water, you are still constantly cleaning them! Just one more thing to take care of! I look forward to being able to have the kind of weather to open all of the windows without heat or air conditioning to dry us out! Today may just be a day for that too!

Peripheral NEUROPATHY is famous for burning feet. Neurontin or Gabapentin helps me a lot. A Drs. prescription is required. I think Celebrex also helps. Ask your Dr.

Hey...definitely talk to you doc. It caught my attention that you had a B12 deficiency. I had that and D3. I was told that B12 in particular could be playing a part in my peripheral neuropathy. There is something to be said for dealing with the damage once its done. Supplements (guided by the docs) have helped but I am also on Gralise (gabapentin) now too. I used to get body-wide painful sensations that felt like a very large pinprick. It would go on for a half hour or so to where I would have to just pray for it to stop. Please keep us posted on how you are doing and if they get to the bottom of it for you.

My burning feet does not bother me that often. However, those pin piercing sensations
along the inside of my right leg were really bothersome. They lasted for almost a year.
I could not wear pants because the inside seam aggravated the problem. I had to wear my
pants inside out so I resorted to loose yoga type pants. I tried to find pants with no inside
seams. I finally found some by DKNY and by Vince Camuto. By then, my ailment had subsided.

Flares ups are so annoying. Especially those that involve hot or cold, skin rashes, skin

Does anyone know how to avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes? Is B12 good for mos bites???

Here’s hoping for a mild summer!


I just started using Prevadent tooth paste for dy mouth. Don’t know if it is helpful yet.

Ugh.... I swell up like there's no tomorrow from mosquito bites, and that is without touching them at all. I grow citronella plants and keep a bug zapper going but if there is one near by it will find me. LOL. in case anyone is interested.... I am allergic to yellow jackets so I keep mint and eucalyptus plants as they are natural repellents of them and wasps.

The hot or cold sensations and rashes are beyond annoying but I've gotten to the point that I just deal with it as it comes.