Has anyone tried 'Moisture Chamber Glasses'

Hi all- I've been having more problems with dry eyes recently, and the ophthalmologist I've seen has prescribed different eye drops to see if that helps (I was on Viscotears, but he's now asked me to try Hyloforte in the day, Viscotears at night- I'm in the UK so can't get a doctors appt. for a week to get these presribed- joy! UK people will understand!)

Anyway I saw Moisture Chamber Spectacles mentioned on an NHS site, and wondered if they're any good- I can't recall anyone ever mentioning these in discussions. I wouldn't want to spend £50 on something if it's not helpful!

There was a great conversation about this a while back. You can search the discussions for this.

Personally, I purchased attachments to my glasses a while back, to make them more like safety glasses and block the wind. But I was never a big fan of these and they were awkward.


I had plugs put in a couple of years ago. I had not heard of these so I looked them up.


Their are also some other tips listed on the site.
