Surgery Went well

I had surgery on Monday the 25th of April.Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion. I had some heart issues but I am fine now. No pain just muscle spasms really bad. But it went well and I am doing great. Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers. Now for the heeling. I have not had any flares just yet so please keep your fingers crossed for me. Much love to all! Beeb

Glad to hear all went well. Praying for a speedy recovery.

Glad all went okay, and hope that you carry on healing well. Thinking of you!

That's great to hear. Will you be starting physical therapy soon, or will have to wait for the fusion to heal?

Great!!! Soo glad to hear it. Thinking good thoughts for continued good recovery

Glad you are doing well. I had the same surgery last July. Went well, still get a few clicks, but better.

I believe I have to wait for the fusion. Pretty much can't do anything until my post op appointment but I did start back driving to work again. Can't wait to see what it fixed and of course what it didn't fix. Staying positive for a complete fix though. :)

Stoney said:

That's great to hear. Will you be starting physical therapy soon, or will have to wait for the fusion to heal?

The muscle spasms are the worse. If it wasnt for that I think it would have been less a problem. Modern Medicine is incredible.

sabra said:

Glad you are doing well. I had the same surgery last July. Went well, still get a few clicks, but better.

EnjoyLife said:

Great!!! Soo glad to hear it. Thinking good thoughts for continued good recovery

Thanks Enjoylife. Need all the positive thoughts you can send.

Thank you Jules! Went back to work and I get to drive. Didnt think that would be so important to me but independence is important I guess. You just realize it until you don't have it. Thank you for thoughts! One day at a time. Beeb
Jules said:

Glad all went okay, and hope that you carry on healing well. Thinking of you!

Thank you Terriba, Prayers were heard. Moving right along. Beeb

terriba said:

Glad to hear all went well. Praying for a speedy recovery.