Blepharitis anyone?

Here are some eye care tips to treat or prevent Blepharitis. Has anyone been diagnosed with this?

Well, I hate to confess it, but I have that one. It's not too bad, but my eyes are dry, and I have flaking near my eyelashes sometimes.

Me too. Started at the same time as the SS

I'm not sure if this is what my mom has, but she gets big red rings around her eyes, and was told to bathe them in baby soap, of course she doesn't! My grandmother had that too, I hope something actually passes me by!

Thanks for sharing this link Susan. My diagnosis (which I read on the papers the office gave me at the eye doc) is "narrow angle glaucoma." I clicked on the "glaucama" link and then found Narrow Angle Glaucoma described. The doctor told me nothing about my eye disease except that I have Glaucoma. It was interesting to read the causes and treatments.

I think I've avoided this one so far. I get a lot of crusting overnight so I use the ocular scrubs to prevent the pores from getting clogged on my eyelids. I had that one time and it was really not comfortable. The scrubs seem to make a real difference for that and they seem to help with the tearing somehow....maybe the same reason that they keep the ducts a little more open? They feel a little better when I am doing it regularly.

I have had severe blepharitis, so bad I could scrape the dry white film from my eyelids, and underneath was inflamed eyelids, eyewash such as lid care help, was so bad I had to have a steroid ointment which really shouldn’t be used, my doctor very reluctantly prescribed . It worked

Hi SK,

Yes, I think Blepharitis was the first symptom before I had SS. It lasts for a long time. My optha told me I would always

have it. It gets better though. My new optha is more positive. She told me to use Qtips dipped in a baby shampoo

solution, eye scrubs with those occcu pads, and hot compresses. After years, my eyes are better and the optha

instructed me to come to see her only once a year. She even informed me that there is a new remedy(prob not covered

by HMO) and that not that many facilities have it yet. I am at the point where I do not need the procedure. What I found

to be most helpful and is also good for sinusitis is the steaming over a bowl of boiled water and following up with the Qtip

baby sham, and then the scrubs. Hope this is helpful.
