Going Crazy (crazier?)

Hi Everyone! I'm going stark raving mad! I've been stuck in my bedroom for the last 2 weeks. You see I fell, twice. The first time I hurt my already hurting left knee. I had a huge bruise on the inside of my knee. That was healing good, with time. Then I fell again. You would think I learned from the first time, but nope! I didn't. At first I didn't feel any ill effects on my right knee. It was popping good though, and making all kinds of noises. My left knee is an orchestra on it's own, and add in the right knee, and they were making beautiful music together!

After about two weeks, my right knee started feeling funny, in a not so "ha ha" sort of way. Than one day I woke up and I couldn't put ANY weight on my knee. It was like my right knee turned into a really over cooked wet noodle, with a LOT of pain.

I went to an Orthopedic Surgeon for him to take a look at it. He was an *&^^&%% (insert which ever dirty word your imagination can come up with.) He literally did not look at my knee, and yelled at me for over 10 minutes about being fat. Wait!! I'm FAT?! OMG I didn't know that! (rolling eyes here) The bastage even said "It would be better if you just starved yourself!" So, to say the least, I'm going to complain to the medical board here in San Diego. Good thing my daughter was with me. Her mouth was open the whole time he was telling me my svelte figure was ideal. Riiighht.

So, almost 3 weeks later, and I am still bed bound, but my pain doc (I swear he causes more pain then helps, but that's another rant) gave me a Toradol injection, that helped only long enough to get me home. I was up all night counting shooting pain, instead of shooting stars. I went to the ER awhile back, and the ER doc thinks that my Meniscus is torn, because of all the pain. Here is the problem, I'm fat, we've established that, but docs don't want to do surgery on me because I'm fat. So what do I do? Stay in pain this whole time? I can't say it any more clearly.. I cannot walk.. At all. I've been on arm crutches this whole time.

Anyone one have any brilliant idea's? I'm almost out of sanity, and my humor is hanging on with 1 small string. I've started doing some exercises in bed, but that's not going to drop the weight fast enough.

Good thing I have my iPad, I usually read everyone's posts. If I didn't have that, I'd would be crazy without a doubt!

*Rant off*


Holy cow Stacie….I can come up with lots of words to fit in that creative spot. I am so angry for you, I want to deck him with your crutch. HHMMMM… I bet you could get a good windup with one of those.

Sad thing is a friend of mine (not SS, just plain injured) went through the exact same thing, She ended up bed bound for nearly 2 months before they would let her do PT to be able to do the surgery- 6 weeks after that. It was very difficult for her to drop weight while laying in bed and it doesn't seem like they offered much assistance there. Last time I checked being rude and snarky doesn't count as "first do no harm". Honestly, the emotional toll of laying around seemed worse than the physical. When are they checking in on you again? Hopefully regularly and more kindly. I know you know, but saying it anyway…..we are here for you and wishing you the best.

Oh my Fascina,

There are days when we all hate doctor's for good reason. You need to find a kinder and more skilled doctor.

Love it when these health care professionals make snide remarks. Stand your ground and insist on care. You sure know your body better than anyone else.

Feel better.

Thanks, I see my Rheumy on Tuesday, new Ortho on Wednesday and pain doc on Thursday. (Yuck! Too busy!) I over did it today. Got up on my computer for over an hour, made potato salad and I made and BBQ’d hamburgers. (Hubby burns everything on the BBQ lol) & helped finish dinner.

I didn’t sleep last night, I was in so much pain. I can tell I won’t sleep again tonight. I’m already in a ton of pain from doing so much. I could kick myself for doing so much, but being in this cave is also just as bad. I know if I stay here any longer, you’ll be scraping mushrooms off me. Too bad the won’t be truffles! I could make money that way. LOL

One bright light through it all is, I still have a sense of humor. At least I think I do. 8P~~~

Hey Stacie,

Sorry about that Doctor, you surely didn't need the insult, nor should you pay the bill for this kind of conduct.

I have no idea if this is a scam, or if this product may actually be of help to you. There may be a medical supply store that would have something like this. Just make sure you measure your knee area and measure the brace if you decide to try it. At least you can ask your new Ortho about it.


Note that in this article they tell you that the very last thing you want to do is re-injure this.

I hope you can get this to heal quickly and completely.

Wishing you well,


When I started with my last rheumy, I was on the downswing…I lost 60 lbs. I might’ve been her favorite patient. She would tell me how she wished all her patients were like me. That took place in our first 1 1/2 yrs together. Then I hurt my back bad enough to quit teaching yoga &retire. With other family issues complicating my life, I started on the upswing (the story of my life). This supportive, kind person became a shaming, insensitive shrew. She acted like everything was about my weight.when I countered her, tried to explain…I mean how do you lose weight when u can barely move…she said that if I wouldn’t help myself, she could do nothing for me. Recently, I found a new rheumy & made the switch. Turns out the first was so blinded by her bias that she missed markers that indicated my RA was, indeed not in remission. My pain was not about my weight. It was real. We just have to believe in ourselves, no matter what. Good luck…

Fascina men have this thing for carbonized food. I personally don’t get it. Cooking probably did not help your pain. I have had my share of rude doctors and the key to great care is firing anyone who doesn’t give you the care that you need and deserve. I hope your doctor visits this week are successful and that you get the relief you need.

Fascina said:

Thanks, I see my Rheumy on Tuesday, new Ortho on Wednesday and pain doc on Thursday. (Yuck! Too busy!) I over did it today. Got up on my computer for over an hour, made potato salad and I made and BBQ’d hamburgers. (Hubby burns everything on the BBQ lol) & helped finish dinner.

I didn’t sleep last night, I was in so much pain. I can tell I won’t sleep again tonight. I’m already in a ton of pain from doing so much. I could kick myself for doing so much, but being in this cave is also just as bad. I know if I stay here any longer, you’ll be scraping mushrooms off me. Too bad the won’t be truffles! I could make money that way. LOL

One bright light through it all is, I still have a sense of humor. At least I think I do. 8P~~~

I want to go and give that doc a swift kick for you! Hope your new ortho has more heart than the last one. Here’s to keeping your sense of humor through it all and making sure that >*^#**¥ didn’t have the last say in your care!

Thank you SK and Yoga. I’ll look at that web site and ask my Rheumy about it.

Isn’t it a shame Yoga? Sometimes I feel they would rather blame the easiest thing they see… Weight… Then look for what is really the problem. Although I had that happen before and it wasn’t about my weight, at the time. I was so sick, and I kept telling the doc something was wrong, but she wouldn’t listen. I had to change doctors, with one simple blood test, they found I had mono so bad that I was in the hospital for 3 days. I was so sick for so long that they found other things wrong as well. But it all started with a simple mono test. I did have all the symptoms plus more.

Bottom line is doctors are mere mortals, like us. They might not believe it, but they are. Shockingly they are not gods many of them think they are. LOL I have been feeling bad again, like the precursor to mono, and I’ve told my doc I feel something is going on, and he’s not listening. I think I have to change docs again, especially since my blood work is “off” slightly, but not glaringly, and he said they were normal… Ummm WTF Mate?! Hate breaking in a new PCP. Oh well, life (and pain) gives on.

I’ll stop babbling now lol.

I saw the new Rheumy yesterday. He was awesome! I brought up my weight and told him briefly what the other doc said. He said “that was uncalled for, and no one chooses to be fat.” He didn’t say fat, I did. Anyway, he wants me to do a MRI, which will take some time due to my slow insurance.

I am in an incredible amount of pain this week. We have appointments every day this week. I can’t drive, so my daughter has been my taxi service, with an attitude at times. Can I strangle my adult daughter? No? Awwwww bummer. It’s so tempting at times! I know I will be bed bound next week, because I’ve been out too much this week. Yay! I get to slip further into insanity!

I will let you all know about the MRI when I get results.

Hugs to everyone!

Hi Stacie,

Glad to hear you have a more professional, caring Doctor to now consult! I think the MRI is an excellent idea, it's the very best look at EVERYTHING in the area, as it is just not always what they may think it is!

I know you don't want to hear it, but take it easy, no use in adding insult to injury!

Wishing you well,


Went to the pain doc yesterday, and they did an ultrasound on my knee. My Meniscus is torn, and it is pretty inflamed. They gave me a cortisone shot at 2:00. By the time 3:00 rolled around, I was in so much pain, my daughter insisted that I go to the emergency department. Thankfully they took me back right away.

I have always been bothered by all of the constraints and regulations that the government had been putting on people, and doctors. Now I can say I honestly say that I hate the government and the “War on Drugs.” The hospitals are only allowed to give people 1 shot of 1mg Dilaudid now, no matter what the pain. Yesterday I left the emergency department in tears. I was in so much pain, that I haven’t slept yet.

It’s been almost 24 hours since the cortisone shot, and I have been in tears more than not. I called my pain doc but there is nothing he can do. (Which I think is total BS)

What do I do now? How is this living, being in this much pain? Yes,it’s only my knee, but I don’t even want to get up to use the restroom. What happens if something else goes wrong? It’s not like I go to the hospital often. How many other people with chronic pain will this effect? I’m upset and in awe that they can dictate how much pain someone is supposed to be in.

Not sure what I’m going to now.


How awful for you. I agree that the government has much to much control over the medical system today. The doctor's hands are tied. We pay a fortune for sub standard medical treatment.

Pain is pain, knee, head, back or mind.

Can you try calling the pain doctor again tomorrow and explain that you can't sleep at all and that the pain is unbearable. Perhaps he or she will take pity and come up with something that will give you at least a little relief.

I am sending you my best wishes for a better night and tomorrow.


Fascina, I'm so sorry to hear you are suffering. If the docs had been responsible with pain meds to begin with, the pendulum never would've swung so far in the opposite direction to where it is now. Sending you good thoughts and gentle hugs. I hope some of the pain calms down a little for you.

Hi Carolyn, I called my pain doc, but he said there is nothing he can do. I’m really confused by this. Could he call the hospital and explain what is going on, and maybe get me more than 1 pain shot. The govn’t does not allow them to have anything stronger than Toradol in their office. I’m feeling helpless, and I hate this feeling. I hate worse being in this much mind numbing pain, and knowing there is no relief.

Hi Stacie,

How is your knee now? Are you finally having any relief from your terrible pain?


Fascina said:

Hi Carolyn, I called my pain doc, but he said there is nothing he can do. I'm really confused by this. Could he call the hospital and explain what is going on, and maybe get me more than 1 pain shot. The govn't does not allow them to have anything stronger than Toradol in their office. I'm feeling helpless, and I hate this feeling. I hate worse being in this much mind numbing pain, and knowing there is no relief.

Hi again, I am in a lot of pain still. Although it is less then Thursday - Sunday. I still can’t walk, which is a huge bummer and inconvenience. My daughter had to get me a bedside commode. Talk about a lesson in humility.

As for my pain doc, I have lost all faith and respect I had in him. I had to go to the ER on Thursday AND Sunday. The pain was so bad, I was crying the whole weekend. Why was I hurting? My pain doc gave me a Cortisol shot in my knee, which caused rebound pain.

I call my pain doc on Friday and tell him I’m in too much pain from the shot, and all he says to do is ice it. ??? I even explained that I had to go to the ER Thursday after the shot. (An hour and half later, I couldn’t even get out of the car)His receptionist said ice and elevate it, when I said it wasn’t helping, she just said sorry, but that’s all they could do. I wad pissed. By Sunday the tears wouldn’t stop. On Monday I call him again, after another ER visit, and they again did nothing.

I explained that I had used all my Percocet, and that the ER doc gave me a prescription for 24 more pills, but the pharmacy was giving me trouble. I call the pain doc to get some help and he said that if I used all my prescription, I was out of luck, until the 24th. OMG!?!? Wtf!? He said I signed the contract. Yes, I did, but I thought that it could be bent a bit in an emergency! Silly me. He flatly refused. I. Was. Pissed. Thankfully the pharmacy admitted they were wrong and I got the 24.

Now I need to find a new pain doc. I go see him today, and I’m still very angry, that I don’t want to say something I will regret. Which when I am sick or overly angry I have a tendency to do.

I’ll let everyone know what happened today, later.


Hi Stacie….Just wanted to check in and see fi the new pain doc is helping any or had something new to offer. Sending gentle hugs.

Hi Hun, I went to my old pain doc, and found out that the problem was a break down in communication. All of his staff are from another country, and they just didn’t understand. I told him what the problem was and he was sympathetic. But I’m still a bit upset that there was nothing he could do. He could of at least had me come in, or tell the ER I was coming in.

Not sure, but I still can’t walk, and I am still using the commode. I am able to make it to the bathroom 2 or 3 times. The bathroom is about 10 - 15 feet away, and pure pain, but darn it, I make it there!

My pain doc has ordered a wheelchair, but he may not be able to, and only my PCP can order it? Trying to cover all bases, I am trying to get my PCP to order it. I might have to do a walk in, which I would prefer not to. For obvious reasons.

I found out that my Meniscus is torn, and Dr. Ming (ultrasound wizard) is 90% sure, believes that my ACL is torn. That is the reason I am unable to walk. It also explains why I am in so much pain.

Thank you for asking. =)

Hate to say it but a doc should have staff that clearly understands his patients & can express their concerns properly. The co-worker I mentioned earlier had the exact same injury. It took surgery and quite a bit of therapy but she is doing great now. She described the same kind of pain. I am really sorry to hear you are dealing with it too. With any luck they will figure something out for you soon.